Amplitube 5 Max - Upgrade option?

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Amplitube 5 Max - Upgrade option?

Postby cssudweeks12 » Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:48 am

I purchased Amplitube 5 RT at the 99 sale price a couple nights ago. I threw in the 50 dollar fender collection to try as well. I absolutely love the plugin!

Now that I'm hooked, I want to add the SVX and Orange series as well but realizing they are 99.00 each.

Given that the Amplitube Max is currently at 199.00 for new customers, I'm hesitant to pay 200 more for Orange and SVX being that in hindsight I now realize I should have just initially purchased max for 200 instead of 150 for RT and the Fender series.

Did I shoot myself in the foot buying RT and fender series separate a couple nights ago, or is there still a reasonable upgrade path for me to take advantage of the 200 max sale price?

( I sent this to support as well, apologies for doubling up )

Thanks in advance - appreciate your help!
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Re: Amplitube 5 Max - Upgrade option?

Postby mrebo » Sun Sep 18, 2022 10:15 am

As you buy into the various group buys and sales, at times you will get the feeling that certain purchases will, to one extent or another, nullify previous ones. It's the nature of the business model.

I don't know what gear you currently own, but the upgrade to MAX may still be a worthwhile purchase. That will get you ALL of the gear, not just the stock Amplitube 5 stuff but all of the collections plus the gear that is exclusive to the MAX version (the Carvin, Dr. Z and ENGL amps, the Morley, Wampler and T-Rex stomps, etc).
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Re: Amplitube 5 Max - Upgrade option?

Postby cssudweeks12 » Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:46 pm

Thank you for your reply. I definitely see the worth, value and power in the Max offering. It's fantastic!

This is a reasonable request made during a still active sale, I caught my mistake quickly, and I'm hopeful IK will help out an excited, new, loyal customer. I'd love to pay more to upgrade to max, and not end up spending way more beyond the current sale price just because I made a mistake being new to the ecosystem.

This plugin will find it's way into all of my productions moving forward.
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