Opening T-RackS projects on multiple desktops

Discussion about MixBox and T-RackS

Opening T-RackS projects on multiple desktops

Postby budbopmusic » Wed Aug 31, 2022 12:05 am

I've been communicating with tech support but not making progress. I have T-Racks (latest version) installed on two desktops, one in an office and the other in the studio. I have been mixing in the studio and then mastering on the office machine. No problems when using the office machine to master, save project and then re-open project with all clips and plugins saved. All projects, masters and mixes are also saved to an external drive which can be used to open the TR5 project as well.

My problem occurs when I want to open the saved project on the studio machine and make some changes while using different monitors. When launching the saved project, from the external drive or from the project copy-pasted to the hard drive, TR5 opens but only as a New Project. No saved project clips, no saved plugin chains.

Any suggestions? This seems like it should be a no-brainer. I'm stumped.
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Re: Opening T-RackS projects on multiple desktops

Postby budbopmusic » Fri Sep 09, 2022 12:31 am

No one has responded including tech support. So at this point I tried reversing this process. I created a project on the studio desktop to see if it would open with the project clips on the office desktop. And guess what- it opened fine. So why can't this work in reverse?

I'll try tech support again, but I haven't received a response to this open ticket in some time.
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Re: Opening T-RackS projects on multiple desktops

Postby Steve-xyz » Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:06 am

I saw this, but didn't reply because I only occasionally use T-RackS. I almost commented on your setup because it was confusing to me. Let me ask about it now just in case others might be confused, too. Are you saying you have one computer [PC, not Mac] and two monitors, each with a duplicate desktop? I use a two monitor system under Windows 10 Pro, but I have one as an extension. I probably can't help, but I can empathize with asking questions and not getting any replies.
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Re: Opening T-RackS projects on multiple desktops

Postby budbopmusic » Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:07 am

Thanks for responding. I guess I have a totally unique issue as yours is the first response in weeks.

I essentially have two desktops/control rooms, both windows 10 and recent builds. My studio, where I track everything, has TR5 installed and Tannoys but I haven't been mastering in that room. Instead I've been taking my mixes into my office and mastering using the same TR5 version and JBLs.

So two completely different rooms and audio monitors. The software was installed in the default locations on each desktop, so I don't think that is the problem.

I was hoping tech support would assist, but they took weeks to respond, and it was a one sentence response that didn't move this along.
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