Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

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Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby rcolnaghi1 » Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:55 pm

Hello everyone. I see there are different Syntronik 2 bundles, and individual synths. I see a difference in the preset number, but how about the wavesets (the actual samples)? Is there a difference in that too? How does this work? The waveset availability is very important to me to choose the proper bundle (or individual synth).
Thank you.
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby DarkStar » Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:32 am

Please note that the numbers quoted by IK Multimedia for preset INCLUDE the numbers of wavesets.

Counting the numbers of "real" presets and wavesets for each synth in each bundle would take some time. No user will have the different bundles, so Support may be able to help.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby rcolnaghi1 » Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:25 pm

Thank you Darkstar for your kind answer. My question is really much simpler, and I'm actually surprised this information is not given by IK Multimedia. Before asking here, I perused the website, the forum and around the web, to no avail. Then I asked to the IK Multimedia support, but I received no answer. I hope someone can answer, otherwise I can't buy the product.
I'll try to explain my request with an example: let's say I'm interested in the "Blau" synth. I can buy it as a single product, or can buy one of the 3 bundles and get it. But I want my Blau to be COMPLETE, I mean, with all the wavesets (wavesets, not presets). So what i have to buy in order to have this COMPLETE Blau? What of these 4 possibility can I choose to have a version of Blau with ALL the wavesets? I hope I've been clear now.
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby DarkStar » Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:09 am

Ah ha, now I understand better ;)

If you look at [Compare versions] on this page:
you will see that Blau has
    1 in Syntronik 2 CS
    100 in Syntronik 2 SE
    150 in Syntronik 2
    150 in Syntronik 2 MAX
and the Blau web page says 90.

So the complete editions are in the Syntronik 2 and Syntronik 2 MAX bundles.

I think that the numbers on the individual synth web pages are those for the previous "Syntronik 1" software. Months ago, IK Multimedia was asked to clarify and fix the numbers. so avoid such confusion as yours. I would expect that the individual synths are the full editions (that is, 150 for Blau).

As for the 150 instruments in Blau, here I have
    90 "Syntronik 1" instruments (the Syn2 Edit page is not available for these)
    37 "Syntronik 2" instruments (the Syn2 Edit page is available for these)
    36 Wavesets (loadable into the above 37 instruments)
    total 163!

PS If you want several synths then the bundles are much better value. And, if you have a Qualifying Product (one with a list price of $/€ 99 or more) then the crossgrade/upgrade price would be even better. And, I think you could use JamPoints too.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby rcolnaghi1 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 5:40 pm

Thank you. However, still my question is not understood.
I don't care about presets, I just care about wavesets. So, continuing with the example, Blau in the Syntronik 2 Full bundle has 36 wavesets. So, has the version in Syntronik CS the same number of wavesets, or not? And the other bundles/single instruments. Wavesets, NOT presets.

Really, I'm amazed about all this. We're talking about sampled instruments, so the first thing they should clear is how complete the sampling done in the various versions is. Presets are totally secondary (and in my specific case have zero importance, I make my own patches). Instead, everyone here talks about presets and no clear information on the samples. Maybe I'm the one failing to understand something about these softwares, I don't know. If anyone can clarify this once and for all that would be much appreciated.
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby DarkStar » Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:02 pm

Oops, sorry.

From memory, Syntronik 2 CS generally has 1 waveset per synth. I think only one (or two) synth(s) in the Syntronik 2 CS bundle have more than more waveset.

The best thing to do is download and install Syntronik 2 CS and then you can see what is available there. And you will be able to see how the wavesets can be used. If you later get any individual synth you will need to install Syntronik 2 CS anyway.

As I am not employed by IK Multimedia, I do not have any inside information or special access to its Support staff.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby rcolnaghi1 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:13 pm

Sorry DarkStar, I made a mess with the names. I meant the $99 version.

I already installed CS, but it has only 1 or 2 wavesets as it is a demo. I'd like to know if the SE $99 version has waveset-complete synths or not.

Yeah I understood you're not an employee, thank you for your interest and help!
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby BassGuy99 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:00 pm

I am going to assume that you do not have any other IK products that qualify you for upgrade/crossgrade pricing. If you buy Syntronic 2 SE for 99.99, you get 11 synths, but a smaller number of "presets". What this means is that you will only get the wavesets associated with the included presets, so some will obviously be missing. Under IK's current offer, you could choose 3 free synths (which would contain all presets/wavesets available currently for those synths) but in my opinion would be a wasted opportunity.

If you were in a position to spend $199 to get Syntronic 2 you would get 22 synths with all currently available presets/wavesets. Once you purchased that, you would then be able to choose 3 more software products priced at $199 or less. The best part here is that you could, if you wished, choose the Syntronic 2 MAX crossgrade (all 33 synths with all corresponding presets/wavesets) for free since it would now be valued at $199 because of your qualifying purchase - and you would still be able to choose 2 more free items at $199 or less. For more information, see IK's promotion page. One more thing - the promotion ends on Aug. 31, so you have a few days to check into whether this would suit your needs. Cheers!
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby rcolnaghi1 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:14 pm

"What this means is that you will only get the wavesets associated with the included presets, so some will obviously be missing."
Thank you, this was basically what I was trying to understand.

As for the second paragraph: great, I didn't know the crossgrade thing coupled with the offer, I'll think about it.

Thank you both guys, topic closed for me.
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby Steve-xyz » Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:47 pm

DarkStar wrote:Counting the numbers of "real" presets and wavesets for each synth in each bundle would take some time.

I can vouch for this!!! When I asked and was told they don't have that kind of information, I counted--in fact many times to double check and triple check. Counting is boring, tedious, and mindless and many times I lost track and had to start over. I do not recommend it.

DarkStar wrote:No user will have the different bundles, so Support may be able to help.

Sort of true and sort of not true.

I had CS and liked it and bought SE. Along the way I tried unsuccessfully to get accurate information about actual contents of the different bundles and ended up getting Full. When the SYN2GB happened, I only wanted the 11 instruments I didn't yet have, but in order the get the full set of MULTIS (thereby making it the functional equivalent of MAX--except I can't sell/transfer it), I had to select all 32 "freebies."

If not for getting the equivalent of MAX through the Group Buy, I could have purchased the MAX Bundle. In fact, although it would be a waste for me, I suspect I could actually purchase MAX.
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Re: Wavesets (samples) in the different bundles

Postby DarkStar » Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:39 pm

DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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