My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

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My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby akat1966 » Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:47 am

So this is my second X-VIBE pedal, the 1st being X-SPACE.
I managed to update the firmware for the X-SPACE stomp pedal, after searching everywhere on IK MULTIMEDIA's site & forums. The information on how to enter DFU mode was very hard to find on this site, the DFU instructions need to be printed in the product manual.
I'm having difficulties updating the firmware for my 2nd stomp pedal X-TIME, both my PC & my MAC don't recognise the stomp pedal. I opened up a ticket, but support is slow to follow up. I followed the exact same instructions below:

How to recover your X-GEAR device

Things happen. To make sure you're covered when they do, X-GEAR devices have a built-in recovery mode in case of any issues during firmware updates.

To access this recovery mode, follow the steps below.

Do note, these steps are only required if your X-GEAR device is not powering on normally. If your device is working normally, do not proceed with these steps. This will not benefit your unit in anyway.

1. Download and open the latest X-GEAR librarian from the IK Product Manager.
2. Power down your X-GEAR pedal by disconnecting the power supply.
3. Hold the middle pedal, the B pedal down for a couple moments, then reconnect your power supply (Continue holding the pedal while doing so).
4. Once connected, your device may have some or all LEDs powered off. Do not worry, this is completely normal! This means you've successfully entered DFU mode, a mode used to update the device.
5. Open X-GEAR Librarian and in the first window which appears, click anywhere in the window, then hold the Command (macOS) or Control (Windows) button until the RECOVERY option appears.
6. Select the RECOVERY option in the lower right-hand corner and follow all on-screen instructions.

Once RECOVERY is complete, your pedal will power up normally and you can get back to making music!

*If your unit does not power back up normally after this process, try using another USB cable or USB port on your system.
Make sure to avoid the use of USB HUBS or Extension cables. It's suggested to connect your device directly to your system.

I'm starting to think that my X-TIME stomp pedal has been bricked/faulty & I might need to return it.

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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby Gillespie1983 » Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:17 pm

Did you get a solution to this problem. My X-Vibe is dead after attempting to update the firmware.
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:35 pm

These types of issues should be reported to IK Support, as they can assist you directly and officially (including any warranty claims).
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby Gillespie1983 » Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:52 pm

Thanks, but I resolved the issue by following the instructions "CORRECTLY". FYI. I just bought the X-VIBE, initially connected to the X-GEAR Librarian which told me the X-VIBE needed a firmware update. I performed the update, and the Librarian reported that the update failed and I needed to perform a RECOVERY. After performing RECOVERY, the pedal now works properly AND its firmware is also up to date. I'm good to go!!!
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby Acobberson1 » Tue May 23, 2023 3:30 pm

I have done these steps 3 times now. Whenever the "recovering device" finishes and it asks me to reconnect the power supply (without holding down B button) it just sits there. No changes. Pedal doesn't power on and the screen doesn't change. No changes at all.

Customer support?
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby Peter_IK » Tue May 23, 2023 3:45 pm

Acobberson1 wrote:I have done these steps 3 times now. Whenever the "recovering device" finishes and it asks me to reconnect the power supply (without holding down B button) it just sits there. No changes. Pedal doesn't power on and the screen doesn't change. No changes at all.

Customer support?

Sorry to hear you are having issues. Custom support is available via
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby Acobberson1 » Tue May 23, 2023 3:47 pm

Thanks Peter. In the meantime I opened a ticket with customer support. Hopefully we can get this workhorse rocking again.
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby ivaliotes44 » Sun Jun 04, 2023 4:57 am

Deleted. I finally got recovery to start on the X-Vibe.
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Re: My X-DRIVE stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby dabrams2021 » Sat Nov 18, 2023 2:36 am

I followed the directions step by step. The X-Drive Librarian is hanging up at the second stage of repower but do not hold down the B button. I am connected directly to my Dell M7780. I am running the newest update to Windows 11. At this point, the X-drive is bricked. Totally bricked with the lights on and not flashing.
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby dabrams2021 » Sat Nov 18, 2023 5:32 am

The X-gear pedals need a way to reboot without having to go into the X-gear librarian mode. I now have a bricked x-drive because the x-drive stalls out in the second phase that says:

Now disconnect the power supply and then plug it back in without holding down the “B” button. That is great other than the fact that the X-drive does nothing after that phase. If the X-drive pedal had a factory restore sequence on the pedal itself it would be a breeze.
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby dabrams2021 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:33 pm

I am stating to wonder if the issue is with the Windows 11 update, the USB drivers for all the C-gear x-drive pedals do not work and that my Dell M7780 is not recognizing any of the X-gear pedals. I have contacted IK Multimedia support and waiting to hear what IK Multimedia suggests.
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery update

Postby dabrams2021 » Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:32 am

I have a Dell M7740 that I had not updated yet to the most recent Windows update. I plugged in the X-drive to the M7740. X-gear librarian was then able to recover the X-drive. I then tried to get my M7780 that has the most current Windows 11 update and X-gear librarian did not find the same X-drive that the same version X-gear librarian found on the M7740.

I really love the IK Multimedia gear; but it is very frustrating that it seems IK Multimedia is not keeping up with Windows updates. I have a support ticket set up and perhaps support will have a patch so that my four X-gear foot pedals can be used as intended with USB connections rather being standard, pretty cool, basic digital foot pedals.
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Re: My X-TIME stomp pedal will not enter DFU recovery mode

Postby dabrams2021 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:48 pm


Technical Support contacted me by email which was appreciated. I ran a test in which I connected all four x-gear pedals and attached them to a powered USB hub - the same hub I have been using since I ordered all four pedals. Boot #1 nothing was recognized. I then one by one took the four pedals and connected them directly to my Dell M7780 one by one.

Librarian recognized the X-drive after several attempts. I then went through each pedal with the same mixed results. I then attached the x-drive and rebooted until Librarian recognized the foot pedal. Once it it, I disconnected it and reconnected all four pedals to the powered hub. I rebooted and in attempt #1 all four were recognized. I took a photo on an iphone and sent it to technical support. I then rebooted and the same mixed results occurred. Sometimes none were recognized. Somethings two were, sometimes three, sometimes 1, sometimes none

I sent that information to technical support and apparently development has to become involved. It’s a lot of work for what should be a simple process.

It is inexplicable why IK Multimedia sells four X-gear pedals but does not sell a unit that can daisy chain the pedals and allow them to interface easily and without controversy to a laptop. Without that interface there is no efficient way to connect the four x-gear pedals and use them for live recording in a studio. Equally inexplicable is why IK Multimedia does not have a pedal board that allows x-gear users to create digital pedalboards that have presets for all four x-gear pedals. For live recording in a studio there is no available procedure using IK Multimedia gear to switch presets other than one pedal at a time.
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