I'm a little confused regarding upgrading from a recent purchase of Amplitube 5 to Amplitube 5 Max. I did email Support earlier this week, but I think I didn't make my point clear. Basically, from the IKM website I can buy AT5 for $99 (which is what I did a week or so ago) and AT5 Max for $199.
After using AT5 I am interested in upgrading to AT5 Max, which is currently listed at $199. I assumed that there would be some sort of credit/allowance or whatever for the original AT5, but I am told there isn't. So, am I to believe I need to buy AT5 Max at $199, and, therefore, have a license for AT5 AND AT5 Max? I only need one copy of the program.
Am I misunderstanding how the software is sold?
Thanks in advance for any clarification!