senseless80 wrote:Hi... I got a Mac, still the same problem. Now it's 3 devices on 3. Is there anyone who has no problems with presets?
I am on Windows 10..I just checked as I don't often use the arrows for scrolling through kits as I use a touchscreen on an E-Kit
MODO DRUM jumps from the loaded preset to switching back and forth between the 1st 2 kits in the list from whichever folder(s) is on top in the Preset Menu...
For me the (2) kits that switch back and forth are 2 kits I have in a custom folder with an under score in front of the name so the folder is at the top of the folder hierarchy under the main PresetsGlobal folder and appears at the top in MODO DRUM Preset Menu.
I created another folder with an underscore in the name (so now 2 folders at the top of the hierarchy above the default Custom/Extreme/Natural) and placed 1 kit in each and MODO DRUM jumps (when using the up/down arrows) from whatever preset (no matter which one) is currently loaded in MODO DRUM to switching between the 2 kits which are in (2) separate folders... so there does appear to be a problem with using the arrows to scroll through the presets.