Hi all!
Last weekend my friend, Paul, and I were able to connect for one of our “cottage sessions” that we try to have once/year. This round, we had a few songs to advance and this song of Paul’s was really in its infancy (had composition and basic arrangement; bass guitar, acoustic rhythm guitars & an ambient, clean semi-hollow guitar with Bigsby were established with a scratch vox).
Of all the songs on deck, this one got some real traction for finalizing the arrangement and instrumentation. I had the opportunity to pop in some acoustic guitar melodies (steel and classical), a variety of piano parts and pretty cool haunting lead guitars (if you dig it, seriously check out that preset from ToneNet below!). Paul laid down some of his best vox in my opinion.
The song started out more folky but as it advanced there is a definite Pink Floyd vibe going on….at least from my perspective. Great thing about collaboration, never really know how the final product is gonna pan out but just enjoy the process!!
IK Stuff:
MODO Drum - Studio kit
AT5 - Fender Deluxe Rev; guitar leads used “Mock E Bow RMP” from ToneNet (awesome preset!!)
ST4 - Fractured Piano, Shipwreck Piano, Imperial Grand
TR5 - Stealth Limiter
Lurssen Master - based on “Americana Loose (more glue)”
Have a listen, hope you enjoy, feedback always appreciated!
Michael (and Paul)