by geddydawg » Fri May 20, 2022 11:39 pm
Ive had Amplitube 4 for some time, and recently wanted to get the Joe Satriani piece as well. I purchased last night, and where Ive had Amplitube 4, was hoping for the Satch version for Amplitube 4, but seems it came with the Amplitube CS5. So how when Downloading the "5" version on the pc connected to the internet, all is ok, but when trying to install on the DAW pc that is not connected to the internet, saying its only got 9 days left, and I have no accecss to any head, pedal, etc, etc, no access to anything I had previously from Almpitube 4. Can "5" be installed successfully without internet access? Is there a way to just get the "4" version of the Joe Satriani files? I feel like ive just taken many steps backwards