by Boogieshoes » Thu May 12, 2022 8:42 pm
With no other replies - I’ll try to help here, but caveat, I don’t have an HX.
Based on using a Line 6 POD xtLive I am expecting the HX Stomp provides a USB signal to your Computer which is running ATube.
The HX stomp probably shows in your computer as an Audio device, if it is PC then it will probably be as an ASIO device which can be set as the audio device in whatever recording software you use or in Amplitube.
I don’t know the HX Stomp but basically you need to bypass ALL amp, effects or speaker sims if it has them (I assume it does, like the old POD xtLive). Any of those things in the HX will completely alter the raw guitar signal being used by Amplitube.
If I recall correctly the Line 6 stuff had special settings to be set to tell it what sort of amplifier or monitor speakers/PA you were playing into. So check the HX manual for that. Hopefully you are using full range PA/Monitor speakers.
Excluding playing, that as far as I am aware is about all you can do apart from guitar pickups, volume, tones levels and in BM’s case his destinctive pickup switching settings used.
I wandered through a few BM setups as a matter of curiosity when first installed AT5 Max. I wasn’t overly taken by what I heard but I don’t use any of the setups that came with AT5.