How does the irig2 work through the headphone jack?

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How does the irig2 work through the headphone jack?

Postby dragonscore » Wed May 04, 2022 1:40 am

I must be missing something because none of this makes sense. Ok, so my irig HD2 just suddenly stopped working. I couldn't get any signal to the device and the blue led wouldn't turn on. I assumed it's my iphone not putting out enough power so I ordered an ipad mini instead.

Download garageband onto it and it still wouldn't work. So I'm thinking the lightning mini usb cord is bad, a new irig hd2 is $150 but want to try a new cord first. Go to best buy to see if they have any cords but instead I find an irig 2 for $50 and buy it thinking this can't be right. Why $150 for the irig hd2 but only $50 for the irig?

However, the irig 2 doesn't have a lightning cord, instead uses a 1/8 jack and plugs into the audio port on the phone? When you connect to the HD2, you get a prompt to connect your guitar but that doesn't seem to be how the irig2 works. How can it work through the audio out port? The instructions says to plug in there and that's it. What am I missing?
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Re: How does the irig2 work through the headphone jack?

Postby CrazySchmidt » Fri May 06, 2022 3:30 am

Unless these are the lyrics to your next masterpiece, I think you might be in the wrong forum dude. :?

Maybe general discussion will be better.

Cheers, CS. :)
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Re: How does the irig2 work through the headphone jack?

Postby Riff_Lovely » Fri May 06, 2022 7:19 pm

Unless these are the lyrics to your next masterpiece, I think you might be in the wrong forum dude. :?

Dragonscore, see on YT, there are lot of clips
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