SampleTron 2 install "Filename too long"

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SampleTron 2 install "Filename too long"

Postby Tom Kearney » Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:41 pm

I'm getting "filename too long" when I try to unzip the Lost String Quartet on a Windows 10 PC. I tried downloading from the IKPM and the web site.

7Zip will extract the files, but then I get an error "Unable to copy the instruments" when I try to install.

Has anyone installed under Windows?

Tom Kearney
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Re: SampleTron 2 now available

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:01 pm wrote:I'm getting "filename too long" when I try to unzip the Lost String Quartet on a Windows 10 PC. I tried downloading from the IKPM and the web site.

7Zip will extract the files, but then I get an error "Unable to copy the instruments" when I try to install.

Has anyone installed under Windows?


Did this happen using the IK Product Manager? That is the way any new updates/installations of IK products should be done now. If you have a problem installing via the IK Product Manager please contact IK Support and they will assist you.

If you are running the installer manually which is not the recommended method, this FAQ might help but you'll need to change some things since it is meant for Miroslav Philharmonik 2 even though conceptually it may be helpful.
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Re: SampleTron 2 now available

Postby Tom Kearney » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:31 pm

Peter - thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

The problem occurred with both the IK Product Manager, and downloading the ZIP file from the User Area.

I ended up manually copying the Instruments and Samples folders from the unzipped folder tree into my installation folder. That seemed to work fine - I can now see and use the Lost Strings.

This is the first time I've had a glitch like this. Hopefully no one else has a problem...

The new sounds are pretty nice, BTW!

Thanks again,
Tom Kearney
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Re: SampleTron 2 now available

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:42 pm

Great! They do sound quite good - and not just for the price of the update (free) :D
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Re: SampleTron 2 now available

Postby DarkStar » Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:25 pm

Maybe the source or destination path name was too long.

What folder is your IKPM downloads folder?
And what folder is your SampleTron 2 library?
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Re: SampleTron 2 now available

Postby Tom Kearney » Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:15 pm

DarkStar wrote:Maybe the source or destination path name was too long.

What folder is your IKPM downloads folder?
And what folder is your SampleTron 2 library?

My library path is: D:\IK Multimedia\SampleTron 2

It looks like a filename length problem. Here's the path to the installer, after extracting the contents of the zip file to my F:\PluginInstalls\IK Multimedia\SampleTron folder:

F:\PluginInstalls\IK Multimedia\SampleTron\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\
Install SampleTron 2 Sound Content.exe

If I extract it to the root of my E: drive at:

E:\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\SampleTron 2 Sound Content\
Install SampleTron 2 Sound Content.exe

The install works file. I think there is an extra "SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\" at the top of the zip file.

I guess this can be explained and worked-around, but it would be easier if the folder name(s) were shorter in the zip file... or if the installer used relative paths (from the installer .exe) to the source files (not fully-qualified paths), that would probably solve the problem.

For example (relative to the installer folder),

.\SampleTron 2 Sound Content\Instruments\SampleTron 2\Presets

Instead of (full path):

F:\PluginInstalls\IK Multimedia\SampleTron\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\
SampleTron 2 Sound Content\Instruments\SampleTron 2\Presets

Understand what I mean?

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Re: SampleTron 2 now available

Postby DarkStar » Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:32 am

I sure do (more or less :)).

The library path is fine.

But the path to the installer .exe (and the extracted contents files look far too long to me.

When I do such "manual" installs I always extract the installer.exe and the sound content folder(s) to the Desktop or the top level of another disk to avoid such problems. I have just done that and get:
-- C:/Users/DarkStar\Desktop/Install SampleTron 2 Sound Content.exe
-- C:/Users/DarkStar\Desktop/SampleTron 2 Sound Content (the folder)
To do that I navigated down the .zip's folder to get to them, then dragged the .exe and folder to the Desktop.

But if I just Extract the contents to the Desktop I get:
C:\Users\DarkStar\Desktop\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\Install SampleTron 2 Sound Content.exe
C:\Users\DarkStar\Desktop\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\SampleTron 2 Sound Content
(oddly, Windows 7 has concatenated folder levels, but I can see the nesting)

When I installed SampleTron 2 originally, I used IKPM with a downloads folder of "F:\DarkStar\Documents\Downloads" and a library folder of "L:\IK Multimedia\SampleTron 2"
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Re: SampleTron 2 install "Filename too long"

Postby DarkStar » Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:39 am

PS: it would be best to change your Account Name away from an email address, to minimise the chance of it being harvested by web bots and you receiving all sorts of 'special offers', bank account verification requests, Internet Disconnection notifications, Amazon Prime renewals, Ray-Ban sunglasses, tax refunds etc from all over the place for years and years. You can change it here.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: SampleTron 2 now available

Postby Tom Kearney » Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:41 am

DarkStar wrote:^^^^
I sure do (more or less :)).

The library path is fine.

But the path to the installer .exe (and the extracted contents files look far too long to me.

When I do such "manual" installs I always extract the installer.exe and the sound content folder(s) to the Desktop or the top level of another disk to avoid such problems. I have just done that and get:
-- C:/Users/DarkStar\Desktop/Install SampleTron 2 Sound Content.exe
-- C:/Users/DarkStar\Desktop/SampleTron 2 Sound Content (the folder)
To do that I navigated down the .zip's folder to get to them, then dragged the .exe and folder to the Desktop.

But if I just Extract the contents to the Desktop I get:
C:\Users\DarkStar\Desktop\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\Install SampleTron 2 Sound Content.exe
C:\Users\DarkStar\Desktop\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\SampleTron_2_The_Lost_String_Quartet_Sound_Content\SampleTron 2 Sound Content
(oddly, Windows 7 has concatenated folder levels, but I can see the nesting)

When I installed SampleTron 2 originally, I used IKPM with a downloads folder of "F:\DarkStar\Documents\Downloads" and a library folder of "L:\IK Multimedia\SampleTron 2"

I think we are in agreement, Darkstar!

In the future, I’ll extract the zip file contents to a higher level folder, and skip the superfluous folders above where the installer.exe sits.

By the way, I’ve appreciated your information both here, and in the Reaper forums for years… thanks!

Tom Kearney
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Re: SampleTron 2 install "Filename too long"

Postby Tom Kearney » Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:43 am

DarkStar wrote:PS: it would be best to change your Account Name away from an email address, to minimise the chance of it being harvested by web bots and you receiving all sorts of 'special offers', bank account verification requests, Internet Disconnection notifications, Amazon Prime renewals, Ray-Ban sunglasses, tax refunds etc from all over the place for years and years. You can change it here.


Thanks again!
Tom Kearney
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Re: SampleTron 2 install "Filename too long"

Postby tgorycki » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:00 pm

I encountered the same "Filename too long" issue during the file extraction process. I cancelled out, deleted the partially extracted file, clicked on the installer app again, and in the file path browse window, I deleted a folder in the file path (in my case, I deleted "/Sampletron 2" sandwiched in the middle). This worked for me.
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