EVERY TIME I open Amplitube 5 in Cubase 11 Pro I see this nag screen:
Amplitube 5 wrote:To use any gear in trial mode, please start the IK Multimedia Product Manager and restart Amplitube 5
If I use the little tool at the upper right I can see what's not installed so the following products shows up:
California Tweed, Mark V, Triple Crown, Mark IIC+ and the Mark V.
1x12 California Tweed, 2x12 California Tweed, 2x12 Road King, 4x12 Road King, 4x12 Road King Vintage.
I guess these products are part of Mesa Boogie 2 and I have no intention of buying them nor trying them out. I know they're just as great as the rest of Amplitube 5 but ... there is only 24
hours in a day and eventually they will be part of a future Total MAX 4 or something like that. I'm not in a hurry and I have more amps than I can shake a stick at already!
So how do I get rid of the nag screen?