AmpliTube Leslie

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AmpliTube Leslie

Postby Glichtenberger01 » Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:38 pm

I purchased AmpliTube Leslie thinking I could play my keyboard through the software and get the sound of a Leslie. But I can't seem to get my keyboard sound to work.

I was going to paste a snippet of my control settings but I can't seem to past it here.

My keyboard is a Casio MZ-X500.
I have the control panel set to use ASIO.
Input and output device say ASIO4ALL V2
Input device left and right channel both say HD Audio MIC Input. So all I hear is noise through the computer Mic.
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby garfy » Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:15 am

Hello Glichtenberger01 and welcome to the forums.

Glichtenberger01 wrote:Input device left and right channel both say HD Audio MIC Input

This needs to be set to whatever audio interface you are using and have connected the outputs of your keyboard too. What AI are you using?
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby Glichtenberger01 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:21 pm

Thanks for your quick reply.

My interface is a Yamaha MG10XU. I have changed the control to recognize this interface but I still get no sound.

You got me to think that also perhaps I have my cabling wrong. So I have purchased a cable to go from the interface's stereo output 1/4 jacks to a USB connector to plug into my tablet.

Does that sound right?
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby garfy » Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:01 pm


Glichtenberger01 wrote:So I have purchased a cable to go from the interface's stereo output 1/4 jacks to a USB connector to plug into my tablet.

This is (probably) not the best way to go about it. Ideally you would have a set of active monitor speakers (or a passive speakers with amp setup) connected to the main stereo outputs. Alternatively, a pair of headphones plugged in to the phones output to hear the signal.

I've not used that particular mixer, but it looks like the USB 'input' is shared with channels 9/10, so you will need to make sure that the Line/USB button on that channel strip is pressed down to access the USB output from the computer. It should then just be a case of turning up the channel level and main stereo level up so you can hear it.

Hope that helps.
System Specs: 2012 Mac Mini 2.6 i7 & 2015 MBP 2.2 i7, 16GB RAM
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby Glichtenberger01 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:45 pm

I do have a çable attached to the the computers headphone jack and then attached to the interface channels 5/6. I don't know what else to try. I have probably tried everything possible combination I can think of.

Does the keyboard printer usb port need to be connected to the computer or to the interface?
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby Glichtenberger01 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:53 pm

You said "Ideally you would have a set of active monitor speakers (or passive speakers with amp setup) connected to the main stereo outputs. Alternatively, a pair of headphones plugged in to the phones output to hear the signal."

Do I not need to have the sound from my keyboard to go into the computer? What is the proper cabling to accomplish that? I am sending the sound of my keyboard out through the 1/4 L & R jacks in the back of my keyboard into the Yamaha MG10XU and then from there I was going to send the signal out from the interface into the computer.

I don't know of any other way.
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby Glichtenberger01 » Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:25 am

@garfy I am not sure what I have done different, but it is now working. I am getting a lot of static when I play an organ tone out of my keyboard and use the Leslie virtual amp and the Leslie 122 cabinet. I had to put the buffer size down to 64 and now no static. Does this mean my computer processor is slow?
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby garfy » Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:33 pm

I think you may need to give us some more details of your setup. However, my guess as to the correct routing would be:

Keyboard output --->Yamaha mixer--->into computer via the USB.

Then the sound of the keys should appear at the input of AT5 (if the settings are all correct) and then to the output, post effects.

Out of computer via the USB--->Yamaha mixer channel 9/10--->to the master or headphones out.

Using the audio ins/outs of your computer is probably going to lead to latency and lower the quality of the audio. I would suggest getting the manual for the Yamaha mixer and going over how to connect and use the USB interface correctly, which should give you best results.
System Specs: 2012 Mac Mini 2.6 i7 & 2015 MBP 2.2 i7, 16GB RAM
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby Glichtenberger01 » Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:27 pm

@garfy I really appreciate your responses. I will take a look at the manual for my interface.
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby Glichtenberger01 » Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:44 pm

@garfy I think I have it working and without static. Should I set the buffer as high as I can? I currently have it at 1400 and it seems to work fine.
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby garfy » Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:56 pm

Glad to hear it seems to be working properly now.

The buffer should be set as low as you can get it while playing without introducing glitching. This will mean there will be less time between you hitting a key and hearing the sound back out of your computer (latency). The trade off is that it will be at the expense of processing power, so it will depend on how good your CPU is.
System Specs: 2012 Mac Mini 2.6 i7 & 2015 MBP 2.2 i7, 16GB RAM
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Re: AmpliTube Leslie

Postby Glichtenberger01 » Tue Jan 04, 2022 6:37 pm

Ok. I guess I had it backwards. I will try and set the buffer lower and see how it sounds. Thanks again for all of your help. Now that I am able to get it to work I will check out the other IK software.
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