Only a Few More Hours....

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Only a Few More Hours....

Postby - IK User - » Fri Dec 31, 2021 4:19 am

Only a few more hours until I have the money to upgrade/crossgrade to Total Studio 3.5. Though already have some of the stuff in it, the IK products which I do not have yet that I am the most excited about adding to my plug-in arsenal are the full MAX version of Amplitube 5, MixBox, Hammond B-3X, and SampleTron 2, though there are some other honorable mentions such as Sunset Sound Studio Reverb and TRacks Leslie.

Then after the deal is done I will probably fade into the sunset and not be visiting and posting at the forum as much as I have lately until next issue. An issue with Amplitube 5 brought me back to the forum recently, then I got interested in upgrading to Amplitube MAX 5, then I got more interested in going ahead and upgrading to Total Studio 3.5 considering the upgrade/crossgrade price I am being offered is a decent one, but I had to patiently wait it out until I get paid this Friday.

So my mind has been on IK more than usual lately. Sort of like a child's mind awaiting to hopefully get some rad things for Christmas but has to wait until Christmas to get them, only difference the child does not have to pay for his presents, I do. lol.

- IK User -
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:50 am

Re: Only a Few More Hours....

Postby - IK User - » Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:38 am

About a hour and a half and counting. I decided to actually stay up until my money gets in the bank and I can seal the deal immediately upon arrival. I am going download everything I do not have all tonight and before I am in bed everything will be ready to go next time I open my DAW to work on a session. If I pay for it tomorrow with a little extra tiredness, oh well. I am a plug-in junkie. It is just a thing. Haha...
- IK User -
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:50 am

Re: Only a Few More Hours....

Postby - IK User - » Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:46 am

I truly have become a bit of a plug-in junkie, come to think about it. I am obsessed with accumulating them. I think after I get these from IK, I am going to chill a little.
- IK User -
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:50 am

Re: Only a Few More Hours....

Postby - IK User - » Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:01 am

Albeit not cut them out altogether. I have a few in mind I want right now other than the ones I am about to get. There is always something that comes along that I just have to have. It never fails. However what I am referring to is chilling a little generally speaking. Just add to my collection little by little as opposed to as much as possible as soon as possible. The collection will still grow, but it will give me more time between new editions to it to get to know even better the plug-ins I already have before other ones are added to the collection.
- IK User -
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:50 am

Re: Only a Few More Hours....

Postby - IK User - » Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:34 am

Bingo. All systems go. Purchased and ready for take off.

Now it is time for me to fade into the sunset and split this joint for awhile. I will probably be back though. Some issue will arise I am looking for the answer for or something like that will crop up and I will find my way back here as in the past. But for now at least, I am out of here. Got my stuff now, the problem I initially came here for has been solved, etc. So yeah, time to get downloading the goods. Later. lol.
- IK User -
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:50 am

Re: Only a Few More Hours....

Postby - IK User - » Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:14 am

Just thought I would drop in one more time after everything is downloaded and tested a little to give my opinion about it. All in all, I am very happy with the purchase. Some very cool stuff included in the Total Studio 3.5 bundle. And if you already have some stuff in the bundle, chances are in your crossgrade/upgrade section, you will find a lower price as I did for it that takes that into account.

The only critque I personally have is I wish since Syntronik 2 came with the bundle, it would of brought down the price a little for a crossgrade/upgrade to Syntronik 2 MAX. I previously already owned Syntronik Deluxe and now Syntronik 2 since it came with the bundle, but the crossgrade/upgrade price for Syntronik 2 MAX did not budge after I bought the bundle. However I believe I still got a great deal. But at the same time I have my eyes on acquiring Syntronik 2 MAX in the future because I want those extra synths and presets as well, but as it is now, the deal I am being offered it would cost me more than half of what I paid for the entire Total Studio 3.5 MAX bundle. So I might hold off on that for awhile, but I am going to be keeping my eyes open, of course.

Anyway, now off back into the sunset I go.
- IK User -
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:50 am

Re: Only a Few More Hours....

Postby - IK User - » Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:02 am

Wait. I upgraded from Total Studio 2 MAX to 3.5 MAX. So actually I am not sure how all that works considering I can only speak for myself on the matter. That is to say, I already owned some stuff in 3.5 MAX, but come to think about it some of it was included in Total Studio 2 MAX while some I bought separately. So I am not sure if you bought some of the same stuff separately without purchasing Total Studio 2 MAX how that affects the crossgrade/upgrade price to Total Studio 3.5. Personally speaking, I believe I got a great deal though. Wouldn't go back if I could.
- IK User -
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:50 am

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