Peter could you clarify the AVX/MODO Drum situation. In short does MODO Drum run natively on Mac M1 ?
I read where you wrote:
Re: modo drums will not install
Peter_IK » Sun Oct 24, 2021 7:51 pm
Per the Specs page, yes MODO DRUM does require AVX or an Apple Silicon processor. There is a link there to more details about AVX too. Older Intel processors do not support AVX instructions.
I followed the link but I see no mention of Mac M1.
System Requirements
Standalone and 64-bit plug-in. Requires a 64 bit CPU and Operating System.
Mac® (64-bits)
Minimal: Intel® Core™ i5 with support for AVX instructions, 8GB of RAM (16 GB suggested), 20GB of available hard-disk space, macOS 10.9 or later. USB port (3.0 suggested).
Supported Plug-in formats (64-bit): Audio Units, VST 2, VST 3, AAX.
You mention " or an Apple Silicon processor" but I'm not quite sure what you were refering to.
And didn't see it listed on the page you linked (System Requirements). Were you refering to native or Rosetta, both or neither ?
Also before I finish my selections are there any other IK products that will not/may not run natively on a Mac M1 ?
I'll just add I'd like to see IK address the M1 situation at some point, giving us a list of plugins that will or will not be updated to run natively on M1. Can we assume that all IK products will be updated at some point ? Will some be left behind ? I'm now selecting quite a few TRacks plugins, but I'm wondering if the older ones (EQs, Reverbs, ect) may not be updated ???
Thank you and thank IK for this Great Group Buy Sale