by » Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:47 pm
Hi All. I've recently been struggling with the Uno Synth Pro editor. I realised that I had missed the note which says that the firmware needs to be upgraded to 2.0.0 to use the editor. I tried to do this but again made the mistake of only attaching one USB cable to my Mac rather than the required two. So, the firmware updater said that the update had failed (not surprisingly) so I tried again with two cables. But, I now have the O/S updater message in the LED window on the Uno but it will still not update. I now find that I cannot get the Uno Synth Pro back to the start screen and that it's frozen onto the O/S updater message. Has anyone else run into this issue (you may not be as stupid as me) and how do I get the Uno Syth Pro to reset to the start screen? I have looked for a reset method and the IK site says there is a program to reset but it's not there in the product manager. I've tried turning off the power to the Uno Synth overnight but still get the same O/S updater message on start up. Help!