Peter_IK wrote:In case you want to see them without checking the dropdown, they are:
HiAmp 24.99
4x12 HiAmp 9.99
Peter_IK wrote:People mentioned these Custom Shop gear items were only available in MAX (4 or 5) or a la carte. We added hardware and I noticed people wanted these and the X-GEAR virtual versions so I got them added to the free choices. So we noticed people wanted the "elusive" Custom Shop gear, though they are low-priced items they are still really great and deserve to be in the group buy.
Peter are the HiAmp and Cab the same ones that come with AT5 ? It seems most if not all of the gear that you listed are as you said 'only available in MAX (4 or 5) or a la carte' except for these as I believe they are in AT5. Am I correct ?
Also if you could in your opinion which (2) of the TRacks Tape Machines would get me closest to a 70's Classic Rock sound ? Unfortunately I'm not able to demo any equipment at this time.
Lastly I hope you're spreading the word to all the music/equipment forums and telling them IK has gone Totally Insane !! I certainly am ! With all the new additions we definitely need to hit 25