by Irish916 » Tue Apr 09, 2019 8:04 pm
I'm an existing iRig HD customer who upgraded to a new iPAD Air and lost access to the headphone jack as the new iPAd doesn't have one. So.... I went and purchased the iRig HD 2 because it has a built-in headphone jack. So the iRig HD 2 arrives today and I plug it into my iPAD- no output? Hmm, input signal is good. I just wanted to confirm what I'm seeing in other threads, because honestly I can't believe what I'm reading. Is it true that the iRig HD2 will NOT output to the iOS speakers? I MUST use headphones or output to another amplified source using bypass? Someone needs to confirm this for me. I bought the iRiG HD2 thinking I would get the added benefit of the headphone jack and did NOT think I would lose output of sound to the iOS device. That's insane to me and I'm probably going to have to return this if this is confirmed. I don't understand why it's one or the other. That's a terrible design IMO. Can someone please confirm?