I've just upgraded to ST4 from ST3, using a VI in my DAW (Digital Performer). I know there's a bunch of changes in the UI, and I'm just getting started at familiarizing myself with the new look. Here are my questions:
1. In ST3 the instruments would load when opening the DAW project. I could open the VI and watch the progress bar (easily entertained, I know!). In ST4 this loading of the instruments does not seem to happen; even though the plugin shows the instruments that have been selected, I have to manually select them to get them to load. I must be missing something.
2. In ST3 the keyswitches (for the MP2 instruments) would show a pop-up description of the articulation when hovering over the key with the mouse. In ST4 I do not see the pop-up. This makes selecting desired articulations much harder. Again, I must be missing something.
Any advice appreciated!