pcarey3 wrote:I'm curious about the Group Buy. Its seems to strategically lock out the
most long-term loyal (20 years) customers. I can't find 15 things I need or want and
the newer cool stuff that I don't have is BOTH on the list of "qualifying products" and
listed with fine print that says "Not selectable as a free product for 25 Anniversary Group Buy promotion." Huh? It is entirely possible that I have misread/misunderstood something (not the first time), but at this stage, why would I participate? Since I've already spent lots of money over the years and have so many products, and it's now a buy 1 get15 free sale....why can't I get what I want at any appropriate discount....There aren't 15 things I don't have (and I've even put things on the list I don't really want to see what I "could" get)...so I'm penalized? Marketing strategy?
...happy to know where I've misunderstood this...
This seems a strange way to look at the world. There are many things in life that might be a great opportunity for others but don't apply to you; do you feel 'penalized' by all of them? If there aren't 15 things you don't have and don't want, nothing is forcing you to even think about this at all. It's great for lots of people, and if the company is doing it they probably are getting something out of it too (well, a big injection of cash for one, which will likely help fuel further innovation that benefits us all, and for another lots of new users for whom this is a great deal and who will likely buy more in the future). It's also a kind of fun, game-ified way to run a promotion - fun for most of us, anyway. If it's not great for you, don't waste any more time thinking about it! Go make some music! Or, see if there are 3 or 4 things you might want, get those and be happy about it - it's still a great deal even if you don't max out the benefit, and someone else getting a 'better' deal than you doesn't hurt you. If you've paid money over the years for lots of products from IK, likely you've enjoyed the use of them over that time. If not, why even think about this?
ps I'm a longtime customer of IK, who owns many of their products and have paid a fair bit over the years for them. I've also gotten a 'good deal' on many of them, due to previous sales and promotions. I double-dipped (at two price points) for this one just to have some fun playing the game and, the way things are going, will end up with pretty much everything I could imagine wanting - all the TR singles I passed on in the past because I wouldn't likely use them enough to justify purchase, now I can use them once or twice and not feel weird about it, or more if it turns out I really dig them... Amplitube collections even though I'm hardly a guitarist... sample sets I might not use at all but you never know, what the heck, I might fire one up to check it out and get inspired and the next thing you know there's a track in the works. These things happen. That's my logic anyway. The glass in this case is considerably more than half full!