Sorry for my poor english...
I've bought arc 3 with the 25th group buy, and a third party mic (behringer bcm 8000).
I've made the mesurement, it seems to be ok.
But, when i use the plugin in my daw (Samplitude, music Maker, and i tried Cubase), i don't have any sound changing.
All graph stay to +12db (before ans After, no différence)
Whatever the stuff i choose (laptop, smartphone, hifi), it doesn't do anything.
I don't think it's a crash, because the plug in respond, and outpout button works...
Other plug-in works well.
Did you have an idea...?
If i've failled the mesurement, i think i have sound change (horrible) however.
I send a message to the support, but, if someone already have thé problem abd solv it, you're welcome

Thanks !