Sample tank Syntronik etc, Installation issues

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Sample tank Syntronik etc, Installation issues

Postby 1Dallascat » Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:21 pm

Before I started to install these products, I had already installed them on a Win 10 PC and had some disk space issues due to the flawed instalation I was able to rectify.

Before I even started to install them on my MacBook Pro Catalina, I purchased a 1TB USB 3 Ext HDD.

Before I installed these, I had over 300 Gigs of FREE space on the MB Pro Int Hd.

Before installing, i had chosen the ext HD as the installation drive in my ik product mgr settings...

As I chose each piece of software to download, I also directed thru the project mgr to install EACH item to the EXT Drive....

Unfortunately, after the download and install process, I had 260 Gigs used on not only my ext HDF, but 28o GIGS were used on my MB Pro HD....

The file directory names are nowhere near the same on either drive, so I have Absolutely NO idea of which files are redundant.

Would appreciate help with this situation...........

Have already contacted tech support, but have not yet heard back from them......
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Re: Sample tank Syntronik etc, Installation issues

Postby DarkStar » Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:01 am

Hello 1Dallascat and welcome to the forum.

The IK Product Manager ("IKPM") uses 2 classes of folders
-- the first is where the download files are placed (and is set in the Preference Settings)
-- the second is where a particular Sounds Library is installed (and is set in the Sounds Library's "... More options" then "Install to ...", BEFORE running its installer.

When requested, the IKPM will run an individual product installer. Some of the individual installers may then allow you to select destination folders.

After successful product installation the download files are no longer needed and can be deleted. BUT, to avoid having to download the sounds libraries again (and maybe incur a Download Reactivation fee) back them up to an archive disk. The other downloads are generally smaller and can be redownloaded at any time, so they can just be deleted.

In your case it sounds like the MB Pro HD was used for the downloads. If that is the case then they are the ones that can be backed-up / removed. I do not know what sort of files they are on a Mac.

This may help too:

And this FAQ, for the hierarchy of the installed libraries:
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Re: Sample tank Syntronik etc, Installation issues

Postby 1Dallascat » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:42 pm

Before i get into this,
I truly appreciate you responding in a timely manner, trying to help me with this difficult predicament I find myself in...

You wrote:
The IK Product Manager ("IKPM") uses 2 classes of folders
-- the first is where the download files are placed (and is set in the Preference Settings)
-- the second is where a particular Sounds Library is installed (and is set in the Sounds Library's "... More options" then "Install to ...", BEFORE running its installer.

I had made both of these mods to the settings BEFORE running the installers..

BEFORE i ever started to install any of these huge installs, I had ALREADY set the download folder to be a folder on my ext drive in the Ik project manager.... I double checked this setting before installing each app. I made the mistake of NOT checking the status of the Macbook HD in between each download.......

I had already learned this the hard way from my installing these apps on my PC, whereby the install had done much the same thing to my Win10 OS partition there, in spite of designating a different partition to download the files to in the project manger on the PC....

The MOST important info I need now is:
HOW can you tell which are download only files vs installed files?

2nd question:
WHY were there OVER 260GB of files downloaded to BOTH my external and internal HDD's?

I have already seen the 1st link you sent me before I posted this msg... SURE WISH THIS WAS INCLUDED AS A README FILE in the project manager... I queued up the files in the ikpm, but ONLY after designating for each file as i put them in the que to be downloaded and installed to the ext drive........

Just so you know, it isn't feasible to save a backup copy of these HUGE downloads on my Macbook PRO with the 500GB HDD. I would only have 25GB of free space left........
I would have to upgrade to a 1tb drive just to keep them on the int drive...
I'm hoping that I can keep them on my 1tb ext drive?

The link directly above, hold TONS of EXTREMELY valuable information that should be required reading for all customers who purchase sampletank or syntronik. This Link SHOULD be included in the email that you send out that also holds the serial number, blah blah blah, so that the installation process goes properly, esp since I have yet to see anything like this kind of a detailed procedure for ANY software I have ever installed....

Sure wish I had seen this before....

Since that is water under the bridge.....
I am still in the dark as to which files I can or can't delete from my Mac internal HDD.
Please tell me where to go to find this info out. It is not in the links you sent me. I realize you are not a MAC guy, I'm not either, but my macbook is indispensable for some of my studio projects. I really need this from one of your techs who IS a MAC guy to help me reclaim as much of the 260 GB's i have lost to the installation of these apps as possible...

It would a HUGE help if have someone could possibly send a list of the files that are download ONLY files on the internal drive... I can email you screenshots of my internal drive, if that would be of help... Just tell me what file paths you guys need screenshots of, in order to help rectify this....

Thank you so much for your time in this matter.....
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Re: Sample tank Syntronik etc, Installation issues

Postby DarkStar » Tue Sep 14, 2021 4:31 pm

Phew! That's some read :)

A1: "I had ALREADY set the download folder to be a folder on my ext drive in the Ik project manager"
OK, in that case, all you should see in there are the download files.

A2: I will guess that the download files (in the above location) are all .dmg files. And there is one per products and one for each part of each Sounds Library. The installed software files and installed sounds library files will be elsewhere and have several different file types.

A3: While the IKPM lets you specify where each sounds library is to be installed (what can you see in those locations?), the product installers tend to place the software and some support files (presets, licences etc) on your main hard disk.

A4: "WHY were there OVER 260GB of files downloaded to BOTH my external and internal HDD's"
I cannot say, without knowing what is on each disk

A5: I recommend backing-up the download files to a different external disk, not keeping them on the internal drive. The reason to back them up is in case you need to reinstall them. So keeping them on the same drive as the installed sounds libraries would not help; if the disk files then you lose the installed libraries and the back-ups.

A6: "which files I can or can't delete from my Mac internal HDD."
Sorry, I cannot advise you without knowing what is on that disk.

I do hope that a Mac user will chip in. Otherwise Technical Support will be able to sort things out for you. Either way, they will need to know exactly where the files were downloaded, and what paths were selected for the sounds libraries. Please note that I am not employed by IKM and do not have access to all the technical information.

As for posting images, please see:
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Re: Sample tank Syntronik etc, Installation issues

Postby 1Dallascat » Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:27 am

Dark Knight,
Thank you very much for your help, you could have easily just told me that you don't really know enough about macs to be of any real help, which actually is NOT true. My problems aren't solved as of yet, but you have shown me some areas that i need to investigate even before speaking with tech support, (speaking of whom, which emailed me a short time ago). hopefully they will help me get on a better path....

Btw, as i was mulling over my options I found out that I am able to upgrade my particular MacBook Pro int drive, which i previously thought to be an upgrade that only an Apple store could do, which is GREAT news, and have already set the wheels in motion to do so in the next 24-48hrs. If this works, as it should I will be able to function much more comfortably even if i can't get the file distribution trimmed all the way back to just what is needed. Nvme drives are very nicely priced right now, so I will be getting a definite boost in performance as well as doubling my int drive size... (keeping my fingers crossed that the upgrade goes smoothly...)

Thank you
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