Trensharo wrote:What is the root note set to in your daw?.You may need to move the articulation up or down an octave in the editor to match.
Thank you for your reply. The articulations are correct because I can play them on the keyboard and I can see the correct articulation changing.
I think I may have figured this out though I don't think it is suppose to work this way. Say I have 5 notes. I want the first 3 to play legato, the 4th to play staccato, and the fifth to sustain. So, I set the first two notes to play legato. I set the third to play staccato, and the 4th to sustain.
What I found happening is the first three notes will play legato but I see the 3rd not triggering the staccato articulation. The 4th note plays staccato and triggers the sustain articulation which the 5th note then plays.
Like I said, I don't think this is the way it's suppose to happen but at least it seems to be working.
Any thoughts on this?