Project's debut EP1 release

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Project's debut EP1 release

Postby Epi_Twanger » Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:10 am

Hi all,

First post here and here to share. My project, Project, has just published its first EP on Bandcamp, EP1: Heavy Planet.

The EP was recorded, mixed and massaged on Bitwig Studio and I have had IK's Total Studio 2 Max for a year or two and VSTs from it are used throughout. The EP was mastered on T-RackS 5.

Wrap your ears around it. Happy, sad, good, bad; hopefully it makes you feel something.

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Re: Project's debut EP1 release

Postby » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:44 pm

Hi Epi_Twanger,

Welcome aboard to the forum and thanks for sharing….it made me happy.

I’ve listened to the 4 tracks and found them a slick blend of funk/world/jazz/dance/atmos. All the sounds are great and fit well together….my gosh, especially the incredible bass sounds and performances. Love the change in direction “Time Out” takes mid-way thru.

Mixes are real nice… clean and good use of soundstage.

Again, a definite pleasure to listen to. Me happy… :D

Please post more as they come along!
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Re: Project's debut EP1 release

Postby Epi_Twanger » Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:04 am

Thanks for your articulate reply and encouraging words, Michael. It's nice to get some feedback after spending hours in solitude working on this stuff, not that I don't enjoy that! Just great to finally get it out there and share it with the world.

Yep, bass is my first instrument and there are a couple of different ones used on there, plus some VST bass stuff here and there, so some pretty fat sounds. I like to have the bass nice and 'present' in the mix, as you can hear!

Great to hear you enjoyed the production. That's half of it. Waste of time getting the music sounding just right, then killing the vibe with a dud master.

I spent a lot of time diddling with the mix and adding stuff, then a lot of time mastering, got fairly confused, so went back to square one and made the mix sound as good as I could before bouncing to stereo, then using only four devices in the mastering chain and using the mastering process to basically just turn it up. (And I don't think it's quite up enough, but we live and learn!).

When I listen now, I could have done this and that, but hey, you have to stop somewhere, yea? I learned a lot doing this, now have a good workflow, so the next lot shouldn't be far away and I'll post when I publish them. Was going through the prospective tracks last night and they're closer than I remembered, so ...

Thanks again for bothering to listen and comment. Made my day. ;)

PS: And thanks for the hearty welcome! Nice to be here.
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Re: Project's debut EP1 release

Postby » Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:24 pm

For sure! Always the "woulda coulda shoulda" after you post a mix for things you might have done differently....but if we waited for perfection then tracks would have an audience of 1, eh?!?

Great stuff and post away!
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Re: Project's debut EP1 release

Postby CrazySchmidt » Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:11 am

I don't get it??
"Old" never gets "Old"
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