IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price of 1

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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Musical.Alchemy » Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:13 pm

ttinker wrote:Also, re numbers... I use the Brave browser (on both mobile and computer) and I've noticed it displays the stats a bit wonkily sometimes, as the 'participants' and 'to next bonus' numbers don't always add up; I've found that refreshing the page a couple of times usually gets them to line up, if you care to know how things really stand.

I've tried several browsers but the numbers never seem to add up. And every time I hit the refesh I just get a new set of numbers. Not sure why that is ?

I guess it will land where it lands but at the end of Aug it was a real nail bitter not knowing what the actual number were :shock:
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby DarkStar » Sat Sep 04, 2021 2:50 pm

It can be a bit wonky here too, in Firefox. A refresh usually sorts it out.

Participants = Free products * 1000 + 1000 - Participants to N free products
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby DarkStar » Sat Sep 04, 2021 5:32 pm

Meanwhile ...

But it looks to be slowing down :( Have a look at the Daily Rate (in green).
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Thedude4774 » Sat Sep 04, 2021 7:05 pm

But it looks to be slowing down :( Have a look at the Daily Rate (in green).

I noticed it slowed down big time yesterday. Maybe it's because there are so many other sales this weekend that end Monday. People know they can wait on this one but have to jump on those. Hopefully it gets going good again soon because I'm hoping it hits 18 or so. :)
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Peter_IK » Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:43 pm

Thedude4774 wrote:
But it looks to be slowing down :( Have a look at the Daily Rate (in green).

I noticed it slowed down big time yesterday. Maybe it's because there are so many other sales this weekend that end Monday. People know they can wait on this one but have to jump on those. Hopefully it gets going good again soon because I'm hoping it hits 18 or so. :)

This typically happens at the beginning of an extension. Unfortunately, some urgency is required for many people to be enticed to join even though this is already an insane deal as it is!
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Thedude4774 » Sun Sep 05, 2021 1:48 am

Peter_IK wrote:[
This typically happens at the beginning of an extension. Unfortunately, some urgency is required for many people to be enticed to join even though this is already an insane deal as it is!

Hi Peter! I have a few questions. If I get SampleTank 4 and T-RackS Deluxe through the promo, then is there a direct path to upgrade them to max and if so how much would it cost? Also wondering is the full Philharmonik included in SampleTank 4 Max and also, if I purchase T-RackS 5 as one of my free ones with the promo, can I use another one of my free ones from the same deal to upgrade it to Deluxe? Sorry for all the questions! I'm trying to weigh whether to do the promo or just save up for Total Studio 3 Max because I really want SampleTank Max and all the T-RackS that come with TS3M.
(Also wondering for Amplitube Max, am I missing out on much besides the expansion packs if I just go with Amplitube 5. I already have Amplitube 4 Max.)
Thank you!
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby ttinker » Sun Sep 05, 2021 11:08 am

Peter_IK wrote:
Thedude4774 wrote:I noticed it slowed down big time yesterday. Maybe it's because there are so many other sales this weekend that end Monday. People know they can wait on this one but have to jump on those. Hopefully it gets going good again soon because I'm hoping it hits 18 or so. :)

This typically happens at the beginning of an extension. Unfortunately, some urgency is required for many people to be enticed to join even though this is already an insane deal as it is!

Human psychology is a funny thing... marketers know that without sales, countdowns, artificial scarcity, deadlines and the like, we tend to sit on our hands and consider pros and cons and such, and then get distracted and move along to the next thing... on one hand it's kind of cynical to play on this low-level psychology of fear that we might be missing out on something - and there are excellent (mostly smaller) developers like Valhalla and Klanghelm that simply dispense with all of it and say, here's the product, here's the price, we think it's a fair price and there will never be sales, which is a position I can respect... on the other hand, if you're trying to run a business and you need some cash flow, you need to give people a bit of a jolt sometimes. I think the group buy concept is great because not only do users tend to get a lot of bang for the buck, it also builds a lot of buzz around the brand as people are out there doing your marketing for you, talking it up on forums etc. Win-win. And as I speculated a ways back in this thread, I'm intrigued to see what IK has planned for the next phase!

But as you say, this deal is already pretty crazy and it's hard to imagine anyone *not* feeling like they can up their game in a big way for a very reasonable outlay here. For my part, I am pretty sure I will double-dip but I'm waiting on a bit of cash flow myself... Plus I have two possible lists laid out depending on how it unfolds. At this point it's hard to see it maxing out (unless IK extends again? 8-) ), but I assume there are a few others out there doing what I'm doing and for that and all the other reasons above, I imagine the pace will pick up again closer to the end of the month.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby mistermahler1 » Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:22 pm

Like said elsewhere, I belive we will reach 13-16

Based on the the latest figures more like 13 than 16 it seems

Anyway, not more that I "miss", and that I guess is the case for most
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Peter_IK » Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:43 pm

mistermahler1 wrote:Like said elsewhere, I belive we will reach 13-16

Based on the the latest figures more like 13 than 16 it seems

Anyway, not more that I "miss", and that I guess is the case for most

I don't think that's accounting for the typical surge at the end as has happened with every previous IK group buy.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby mistermahler1 » Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:01 pm

Peter_IK wrote:
mistermahler1 wrote:Like said elsewhere, I belive we will reach 13-16

Based on the the latest figures more like 13 than 16 it seems

Anyway, not more that I "miss", and that I guess is the case for most

I don't think that's accounting for the typical surge at the end as has happened with every previous IK group buy.

I hope you are right ,.. and figures wil be a little better than I guess

Two entryes here, 60 euro where there is nothing to add, and then 200 euro, where only thing "missing" is the last 3 tape-recorders, and maybe Miroslav 2 SE,....

But, fine as is, and best GB ever to me, a lot of crossgrades was suddenly possible with the 200-level entry, so f.eks. the full Modo-drum and bass could be added

Now I only need more time to play, the curse equal for us all likely ;)
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Kinketsu » Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:28 am

I bought in at the $200 tier, and among my freebies are

(i) Syntronik Crossgrade
(ii) Syntronik Deluxe Upgrade

To have all of Syntronik Deluxe, is it sufficient to select (ii) only? Or do I need to select both (i) and (ii)?

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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby hamsdean » Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:43 am

I just joined at the $299 level with the purchase of T-Racks 5 deluxe and after registering and logging back in to IK product manager, it says "None of your current product registrations trigger any current running promotions". What am I missing? I already own some IK stuff like Amplitube and Sampletank but it is basically saying my purchase isn't part of the group buy as I see no way to get additional titles. Did I screw something up? Thanks in advance as I'm anxious to get working with the software.

Another odd thing is I can only access a couple T-Racks modules in my DAW while the majority of the modules are saying I need to authorize them. Most of T-Racks is acting like it's a demo. The product manager shows that it's registered and authorized but both Logic and DP11 throw warnings about them not being authorized.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Fen1xSyd » Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:53 am

hamsdean wrote:I just joined at the $299 level with the purchase of T-Racks 5 deluxe and after registering and logging back in to IK product manager, it says "None of your current product registrations trigger any current running promotions". What am I missing? I already own some IK stuff like Amplitube and Sampletank but it is basically saying my purchase isn't part of the group buy as I see no way to get additional titles. Did I screw something up? Thanks in advance as I'm anxious to get working with the software.

Another odd thing is I can only access a couple T-Racks modules in my DAW while the majority of the modules are saying I need to authorize them. Most of T-Racks is acting like it's a demo. The product manager shows that it's registered and authorized but both Logic and DP11 throw warnings about them not being authorized.

Does it say "Authorized" in the IK Manager? Once or twice it did this to me as I was installing waves of new products. I just shut everything down and relaunched it and it was fine.

The only time this didnt fix the problem was when I grabbed an additional Amplitube pack, it was still in demo mode only. I had to open the custom shop and hit restore purchases and it became available.

If youre logged into the IK website, click on your profile then goto "Promotions". You should see 11 slots available to add the GB freebies. If it's not there then contact Support I guess. I also bought TRacks5 Deluxe and it was smooth sailing for me.
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby hamsdean » Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:59 am

Thanks for the reply. I noticed after relaunching everything that certain T-racks modules unlocked, but not all. I do see the slots available now. I think I may just have to go over and log out/in to Custom Shop and the auth manager a couple times to see if I can everything working. Appreciate it!
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Re: IK's 25th Anniversary Group Buy! Up to 25 for the price

Postby Fen1xSyd » Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:26 am

hamsdean wrote:Thanks for the reply. I noticed after relaunching everything that certain T-racks modules unlocked, but not all. I do see the slots available now. I think I may just have to go over and log out/in to Custom Shop and the auth manager a couple times to see if I can everything working. Appreciate it!


Yeah it installs everything even though you only have a subsection of the licenses as part of the "Deluxe" package. If you load up one of the other ones it'll jump into a trial mode. In Reaper I basically bookmarked the ones I own so I can just see what's available without having to wade through the big list of them, easier to see without having to think about anything.
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