I understand your frustration, but please note that IK Support should be able to help. They typically do go through the "easy" stuff that some may feel is basic but that does fix a lot of problems for people quickly. Sorry that it didn't in your case. If you reply to them that their suggestions didn't work they will certainly continue to assist. Also, we do have specific rules and guidelines about posting about an unsatisfactory experience here:
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19505Note that these are the suggestions that have worked for others, and any user experiences with different options are welcome, so I wanted to make sure you have tried these:
[*]Check your Control page for any edits to the BEND, SLIDE, or VIBRATO settings. Make sure to try disabling these as a test to ensure they are not causing your issue. We've seen accidental control of these parameters can lead to MODO BASS sounding out of tune.
[*]If you are using a MIDI knob or fader to control your BEND, SLIDE, or VIBRATO controls, make sure you are using something which reacts like a Pitch Wheel. What you want is for the MIDI CC value to go back to zero after any edits. This will ensure you're not accidentally putting yourself out of tune.
[*]Check your "A4 Reference" in the STRINGS page. This should be set to "440Hz" by default, but if this is edited, you may not sound "In-tune" with other instruments. A lot of Virtual Instruments and tuners normally use "440Hz" as their reference frequency for A4. [/list]