Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

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Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:17 am

Hey all,

So I got the Product Manager installed, and then I installed Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE; however, it gave a Script error of some sort, which didn't stay long on the screen, finished with the green bar saying ist's complete, but I'm not sure how to check that it is installed.

Further, once installed, how do I use it to get the VSTs into a DAW?

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Re: Script error installikng IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:03 am

It's a Java Script error and an error code 104.
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby DarkStar » Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:24 pm

Hello and welcome to the forum.
I am sorry to hear about the problems you are running into.

As this is primarily a user to user forum, someone-else may chip in. But please remember that the same symptoms do not necessarily mean the same problem.

Meanwhile, the best thing to do is check the FAQs, via here. If they do not resolve the issue, there is a link at the top of the Search FAQs page to the Technical Support form, for some one to one investigation and help.

Response time aims to be within 2 working days (US (East Coast) Business hours, generally), but in the current circumstances please allow some more time.

And, to help others who run into a similar problem, please let us know what you did to resolve the problem. Please do not quote directly any correspondence from Support, as that may apply only to your particular circumstances and may lead others down the wrong track.

As for your DAW, you will need to install the appropriate MP2 plug-in for your DAW. and install the plug-in somewhere where the DAW can scan access it. Check your DAW documentation and decide on the plug-in folder before running the MP2 CE installer (via the IK Product Manager).
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:26 pm

Thanks for the input, darkstar.

I did get an email off to Tech Support, so that's taken care of. But I'm curious as to something you said:
"As for your DAW, you will need to install the appropriate MP2 plug-in for your DAW. and install the plug-in somewhere where the DAW can scan access it. Check your DAW documentation and decide on the plug-in folder before running the MP2 CE installer (via the IK Product Manager)."

Now, I haven't yet installed a DAW (Reaper will be my DAW), and so two questions about your statement: first, do I need to clean up the failed installation attempt by going to Explorer (Windows 10) and deleting anything? Second, should I wait until Reaper is installed before attempting to reinstall IK M MIROSLAV PHILHARMONIK 2 CE?

I'm glad you said something about this MP2 plug-in. I didn't know anything about that (I searched for it on the Net, but I can't find anything about it, so I'm not sure what it is or where to get it). Thanks

Thanks again.
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby DarkStar » Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:01 pm

A!: I would wait for advise from Technical Support about tidying up anything.

A2: You might as well go ahead and install Reaper right now. It is a clean, quick install - no Registry entries etc. And that will give you a change to try out a few things- recording audio, the built-in effects, recording MIDI, MIDI Editing etc. Reaper has a generous 60 day evaluation period, after which you should get the licence or uninstall it.

A3: MP2 is just the semi-official acronym for Miroslav Philharmonik 2. When you run the MP2 installer you can choose which you want - standalone program, and plug-ins in VST2, VST3 and AAX formats. The AAX plug-ins are for the Pro Tools DAW only, so do not select them for installation. I have only installed the VST2 plug-in format here.

If this is your first plug-in I suggest creating the folder C:/VST64 and installing all your VST2 plug-ins into sub-folders in there. For example, the MP2 plug-ins would go into the C:/VST64/IK Multimedia folder. If you install the VST3 plug-in (and I do not think that there is any advantage of doing so for Reaper) I think that they go into sub-folders in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3.

Then you need only specify one or two plug-in paths in Reaper's Preference Settings, so that Reaper can find the plug-ins and make them available for loading onto Reaper tracks.
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:48 pm

Hey,thank you very, very much!

I thought MP2 might have been some MPEG format for sound or something. Whew!

Alright, lets hope for the best. Thanks again!

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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:19 pm

Well, I created some folders for VSTs (one for VST2, one for VST3, etc.), and I installed Reaper. Then I tried installing the MP2 software again, and it seems to be working (Lord, we do beseech thee, may You have grace upon this sad installation process!).

I can't believe how horribly convoluted and confusing this process has been. First, there's the IK website. Second, there's the IK Download Manager—the confusion and mess could have all been solved if IK would have eliminated all that "Product Download" nonsense. And finally, trying to figure out where what files are what and how to distinguish between downloading and installing a product verses downloading, say, just the VSTs for back.

Well, apparently, the MP2 installed fine, but it's telling me to launch StampleTank 4 to initiaite the software. Okay, where the hek is SampleTank 4? It never ends!
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:57 pm

The saga continues...

Well, after more work, I finally got the MP2 to install; however, because the installation process asked me where I'd like to put the VST, VST3 and AAX plugins, I directed the path to a path I created to keep these kinds of files (and no, there were and are no other files of any kind in those folders at the moment.

The installation went fine, so I tried to fire up MP2. Nope, it wanted me to start SampleTank first, which I did. All's well in Disney Land. Back to MP2...

Tried starting it a DLL error. Tried reinstalling it..same error. Uninstalled MP2 from the Control Panel's Programs and Features, reinstalled it using Product Manager, tried fired it up...same error.

I uninstalled the program using Windows Programs and Features (Product Manager still shows it as installed, which I would expect, but I have no way to uninstall it from the Product Manager), deleted the VST and AAX folders I created for this, reinstalled MP2, allowing it to put stuff wherever it wanted, fired it up, same error.

NOTE: The Product Manager gets into a loop when trying to cancel a re-install: it brings up the Windows window to install it, but if you click No, it keeps coming back up. Even closing and re-opening the Product Manager doesn't break the loop.

Looking on the web for this error, the solutions seem to be installing 2_2.0.5. Okay, found that on the main IK Multimedia Website, but how do I install it? The Product Manager doesn't give an option for that.
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:18 am


Okay, got 2.05 installed—opened the zip folder and executed the .exe file. Worked fine. Then installed 2.06 the same way...success! 2.06 is installed and opens; however, there's no sound. It's on Windows Driver. I tried the others to no avail (I don't have installed the AISO..ASIO..whatever that one is.

I tried changing the path (under Preferences) to Sampletank 4 (it's on 3), but that didn't work either.

UPDATE: I downloaded the ASIO4ALL from, installed it, tried it in MP2...nope! Still no sound.
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby DarkStar » Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:50 pm

I do not know why the MP2 installation needs ST4 to be installed and have asked Support for clarification.

The Product Manager does not have an Uninstall feature, but one has been reqeusted

where I'd like to put the VST, VST3 and AAX plugins,

What folders did you pick? The VST folder can be almost anywhere as I described above. The VST3 plug-ins go into sub-folders within a fixed folder and you do not need the AAX plug-in.

Support knows about the problem in the MP2.0.6 installer (installing a Microsoft run-time library is missed) and I do not know why it has not been fixed. Anyway, installing v2.0.5 first, then v2.0.6 sorts it out.

You should, I reckon, keep the MP2 Preference Disk Path pointing to the SampleTank 3 library - if you check that library on disk you should see the MP2 instruments and samples etc in sub-folders of the ST3 library.

"ASIO" is the type of the preferred audio device driver and is normally part of the installation of an audio interface. What audio output device do you have?
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:32 pm

Hey Dark,

Well, first, I have gotten the program to install fine. I just have no sound playing through the program's interface.

Initially, I directed the VSTs to the created folders I made. But, thinking that that may have caused an issue, I removed those, uninstalled/reinstalled MP2 and let the program put them into their default locations. Still no sound.

I have the disk path pointing to the SampleTank 3 library. I tried 4 but it didn't help.

It is using Windows Device for the audio and the output is to my speakers. I installed ASIO4ALL, tried it but that didn't help either. As a matter of fact, I just tried it again and it killed the sound of my NPR Classical stream using VLC. Putting the driver back to Windows Device, closing the VLC and reopening it got that working, but no sound for the MP2 interface.

Anyway, how about this: how do I collect just the VSTs so that I can keep them for my own use with my DAW(s)? Is there a way to do that?

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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby DarkStar » Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:52 pm

I am not sure what you mean by "how do I collect just the VSTs "

And, just to check, did you install all the MP2 Sounds Library files (using the iKPM)?
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:10 pm

I am not sure what you mean by "how do I collect just the VSTs "

I'm under the impression that the VSTs can be saved separately (to be used in a DAW) from the interface that comes up when I open MP2, or are the VSTs integrated into the interface and, thus, cannot be used separately?

If the VSTs are integrated, then can Reaper still access them? If so, how, and do I have to use the interface when I'm in Reaper?

And, just to check, did you install all the MP2 Sounds Library files (using the iKPM)?

I couldn't get the Product Manager to install them, so I just found the executable. I mean, it worked, as far as I can tell, but there's no sound. The sound files, however, seemed to have gone where they're supposed to have.
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby DarkStar » Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:29 pm

It sounds like this is your first use of (VST) plug-ins in a DAW. Is that right?

When you install the MP2 software you get a load of files installed into (on Windows) a sub-folder in the C:\Program Files\IK Multimedia folder. These files include the standalone executable program (a .exe file) and another file that is the main software functionality (a .pak file)

The MP2 installer also installs the plug-ins. VST3 and AAX plug-in files are normally installed into sub-folders within specific fixed folders. The VST plug-in can go almost where you want. These plug-ins also use that .pak file that I mentioned above.

You can tun the standalone MP2 program directly or you can run a DAW (you mentioned Reaper) and load the plug-in onto a track in the DAW. Just as an example, here is SampleTank 4 VST2 plug-in in Reaper:


So, the plug-ins are not integrated and can be used in a DAW, but they do rely on other files.

As for location, my IKM plug-ins are in a folder named C:\VST_64 Plugins\IK Multimedia and the VST path in Reaper's Preference Settings is C:\VST_64 Plugins.

As for the sounds library:
-- what problem did you have with IKPM?
-- what executable did you find and where?
-- what is the full path name leading to the MP2 instrument files?
-- what is the full path name leading to the MP2 samples files?
-- what path is selected in MP2's Preference Settings?
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Re: Script error installing IK M Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE

Postby Starkman858 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:41 am


Thanks for the explanation about VSTs, and yes, this is my first time using them.

As to your questions regarding the sound libraries, I've posted all that information above. Everything was installed to MP2's default locations; All the error messages I got have been posted.
All the paths are default.

It's all posted above.

Frankly, I think I'm just spinning my wheels here, Dark. So I'll going to terminate this series of posts and try again with Tech Support. They responded once but have not followed up.

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