FEATURE: IMPROVED USER EXPERIENCEI really like the new AT5, it’s my favorite modeler now. It sounds wonderful and playing thought it is really enjoyable. I wish it was perfect like that in all aspects.
The new UI is nice, but in some cases the skeuomorphic approach is just form over function and overall the UX is lacking in some regards. While it improved since the last version, some things seem to be a bit half-baked.
Last night I had nothing better to do, so I mocked up up few suggestions that, I believe, would significantly improve the user experience, esp. during live performances.
Here are my ideas:
1) RACKPEDALS & PEDALRACKSThe purpose of skeuomorphism should be to provide a user with a familiar environment and thus make the interaction with software easier. The opposite is happing with the current racks in pedalboard and pedals in racks model. It would be preferable to see all controls lined up, without having to open unnecessary pop up windows.
Here’s my suggestion for a convenient and easy to implement solution that still plays into the skeuomorphic paradigm and even improves it, while it doesn’t require any changes to the graphics of current pedals or racks.

2) MIXERCurrent
Mixer View is redundant, as it is a mere duplicate of what’s already included in the
Cab Section, yet it is even less featured.
My suggestion is to change the mixer so it provides unique functionality: mixing all signals quickly and conveniently in a single window. That can be achieved by removing redundant or unnecessary elements such as
Gear Selector and Insert FX buttons, as all inserts are already clearly visible and accessible from the signal path anyway.
This mixer also includes practical switchable
high-pass filters.

3) HPF & LPF
Speaking of filters, HPF and LPF would make a welcomed addition to the existing Parametric EQ rack.
4) LIVE MODEBy far the biggest issue I see lies in playing live with AmpliTube. The
Live Mode could be rethough and redesigned significantly.
Using AmpliTube inside of a DAW is crucial for any slightly more advanced live rig. Therefore revisited version
Live Mode should be integral part of a plugin, instead of being available only in standalone version.
It should work with any MIDI controller and DAW automation and including universal
snapshot feature would be way more useful than current
Stomp Mode that’s only available for iRig controller.
Also notice the change of the
Tuner interface. This way it’s actually easy to see it on the stage. Information on the current version are unnecessary tiny (btw. the tuner at the bottom is extremely tiny and unpractical even when sitting right in front of computer).
This version of
Live Mode would turn AT5 plugin into a tremendous performance tool.

What do you, AmpliTube fans, think of these ideas?