online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

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online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

Postby MoKKaL » Mon May 10, 2021 5:49 pm


Maybe someone can help me with that :)

How do i get my AmpliTube 5 effects to be heard on the other side of an online meeting?

I'm using the Axe I/O as my main "soundcard" on my pc (windows 10).
On the mic-out there is a mic amp connected which goes into my headphones.
Guitar is connected and can be heard with effects through AmpliTube by me but without any effects on the other end.
On the backside there is an XLR mic connected - which can be heard by the other participant.

Is there any chance my online meeting partner can hear the AmpliTube effects too? :)

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Re: online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

Postby Peter_IK » Tue May 11, 2021 8:49 pm

Hi, what are you using to videoconference with your student?

The problem here is that these applications are sending audio from the audio interface directly. You need to be able to send the audio from another application (in this case AmpliTube) through your conferencing application. This may be a little bit challenging, I believe some may only offer this option directly when you are sharing an application screen. Which is kind of kludgy and will likely introduce a delay between what is seen and what is heard.
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Re: online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

Postby MoKKaL » Tue May 11, 2021 8:59 pm

Hi and thanks for the reply!

We are using Zoom - but I think it wouldn't matter that much which application we are using.

So the only way i have is to "produce" effects before they go into the interface?
For example like pedals ... are there "hybrid" pedals out there where i can use AmpliTube? (sorry, I'm pretty newish to this stuff)

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Re: online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

Postby Peter_IK » Wed May 12, 2021 3:46 pm

With Zoom, all I find is that you'd need to share your screen (or the AmpliTube window) and make sure the option to share your computer audio is checked. Otherwise you may need to use a third party program like VoiceMeeter or similar to route application audio into Zoom.
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Re: online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

Postby MoKKaL » Wed May 12, 2021 5:31 pm

Hm, the best I could do with voicemeeter: everyone can hear the guitar effects, but with alot of lag (me too), if I dont choose ASIO in AmpliTube.
Choosing ASIO virtual (from voicemeeter) just gives me a continious distortion tone.

Other question.
Could I use an iRig Micro Amp for that?

Guitar --> iRig Micro Amp --> Axe I/O Solo
Mic --> Axe I/O Solo

In my head ...
- start AmpliTube
- mute the iRig Micro Amp physically - so sound just comes to my headphones (and for the partner on my meeting)
- and there is no lag
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Re: online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

Postby MoKKaL » Thu May 13, 2021 7:43 pm

I've done a little graphic, so maybe its more understandable what I need / want :D


Will post in the Voicemeeter forum soonish too (when my account is activated ...)

I've put so many hours into this and it's still not working as i want.
Tried 2 different ASIO's, Voivemeeter and Virtual Audio Cable, alot of windows sound settings, etc ...

I'm starting to doubt my intelligence ...
But I cant believe I am the only one with this problem tbh :)
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Re: online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

Postby Peter_IK » Mon May 17, 2021 10:20 pm

The problem is that Zoom and similar are not made for this. And while I prefer Windows for audio, I use dedicated audio (my interfaces are used for my DAW or a single focus not for both system audio + DAW or other audio) so its limitations are not a problem for me in that context.

However, Windows does not have some of the built-in abilities and frankly even the third-party solutions are less elegant than macOS so scenarios like this are not as easily implemented.

I'd recommend that if your Voicemeeter setup in your chart isn't working that you inquire with IK Support as well as the Voicemeeter folks like you have done, as they would have deeper technical knowledge of this sort of setup and may be of more assistance than the users, moderators, or admins of this forum.

I'm still 100% for Windows audio though for getting much more customization and bang for your buck on top of that, but more for a dedicated audio DAW type of setup. And even though I am typing this on a Mac :) But I do enjoy the aggregate device setup and some of the Mac third party audio tools for more "utility" purposes and have to acknowledge it is MUCH easier on the macOS side for that sort of thing. Maybe not Zoom, though, as it might just be a bit of a sticky single-purpose type of product that doesn't cater as well to audio folks/musicians unless you use camera audio (excuse me that last part made me a little queasy :) ).
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Re: online guitar lesson with Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube

Postby MoKKaL » Tue May 18, 2021 1:11 pm

Thanks for the reply!

Although my decision fell onto a pre-amp which should exactly do what i want(ed) :)

Thread can be closed then.

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