by Oscat101 » Tue May 11, 2021 12:30 am
Having had a complete disaster with AT4, it sounded like a wet blanket had been thrown over the cab and I could not use it, reluctantly going back to AT3, I am very relieved to say that AT5 sounds really great through the same equipment.
I find the preset lists a little clunky and opening the software could be smoother, I'm using 5.02, but hopefully these will be sorted with time.
Overall very happy, thank you IK for resolving whatever the issue was with AT4 on my system.
Amplitube 3.5,SVX, Fender, Amplitube 2, Metal, JimiHendrix,TRacksCs Grand 4.1,SampleTank 3,Kontakt Player.
Win10 64 bit with Cubase 7.5x, 64 bit TCElectronicKonnekt 24D, MAudio Axiom 49 and a Alpha track.
i7 2600 3.8 Ghz, 16 GB Ram, 512 Gb SSD..