I'm in the process of testing B3X to upgrade my clonewheel setup, which currently is based on NI B4 II. The console is a Yamaha Electone from the early nineties, where I use Bome's MIDI translator to adapt the organs controls to the clonewheel app.(Has worked fine for over a decade, Yamaha knows their stuff).
There is however an issue with the expression pedal.
On the B4, theres a "Drive" button which controls the amount of overdrive/distortion the expression pedal can generate. When set to zero, there's no overdrive even when full throttle on the pedal. On the B3x, the expression pedal seems to go directly on the gain-parameter, causing overdrive when exceeding level 3 on a scale to 10. This is a bit annoying, since using the expression pedal active is an important part of the Hammond playing-technic. I guess I can one way or another rescale the input value from the expression pedal, but that seems a bit akward. Anyone who has a clever setup for this?
John Martin