Setting up mic and guitar on an iPad Pro for live performing

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Setting up mic and guitar on an iPad Pro for live performing

Postby jrees » Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:34 pm

I'm trying to set up an acoustic guitar and a dynamic microphone for 2-channel live performing. The idea is to have a very portable rig I can play through my combo acoustic amp, or take to an open mic and plug into their sound system. I am hoping if I list my hardware and software some of you bright folks can recommend the best way to utilize them.

Here's what I've got:
* Guitar and Mic
* iRig Pro DUO
* iPad Pro 12.9"
* IK BlueBoard
* IK Amplitube for iPad 4.11.0
* IK Vocal Live - Ver 3.0.3
* nTrack Studio 9 - Ver 9.2.13
* ToneBridge
* Bias FX2

I had initially set up a 2-track song in nTracks and was able to isolate my guitar on one channel and vocals on a second channel, allowing me to assign separate effects chains to each - Amplitube to the guitar and Vocal Live to the mic. That kinda worked but had some problems such as being very finicky about which order things were turned on - it would take up to 5 minutes of button crunching and screen changes to get all the effects to engage right - then it would often hang after a couple minutes and emit a low pitch howl that would require switching back through the settings again to clear itself. This obviously wouldn't be cool in a live situation so I'm hoping for a more streamlined setup that I can just plug-in and go.

I reasoned that a simpler setup would be to use Amplitube's own built-in multi-tracker as my starting point instead of nTracks but could only seem to get effects out of one track at a time...that's when I realized I have no clue what I'm doing and decided to ask for help...obviously, I'm missing very fundamental concepts. This should be dead simple no?

Once I get past the fundamental setup issues I'd love to get into the finer points of making a killer acoustic patch for Amplitube and learning how to use the BlueBoard to switch between tones and control the looper - there's a whole lot of learning ahead!
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Re: Setting up mic and guitar on an iPad Pro for live perfor

Postby jrees » Fri Mar 05, 2021 3:20 pm

In case that was too much writing, I'll simplify the question - I guess my primary confusion is which app to start with as my multi-tracker. I'm familiar with nTracks from previous DAW use on a PC but it's been clunky on the iPad so maybe I should ditch that and use Amplitube as my starting point? When I tried that I was only able to activate effects on one track at a time...both tracks were armed and set to record but only the highlighted track would engage soon as I switched a track's focus the effects would shut off...what would cause such a thing? Have I set something up wrong or am I trying to use Amplitube in a way it can't be used?

I'm only trying to set it up for 2 live tracks at this time, but want to do it in the most streamlined, STABLE, and portable way possible. If there's some other piece of gear I need to accomplish my needs that's fine too, just enlighten me please. Stomp? Axe? Ditch it all and get a 2 channel mixer with DSP effects? ...confused...
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Re: Setting up mic and guitar on an iPad Pro for live perfor

Postby jrees » Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:28 pm

I've just spent another hour with my head under the hood of this setup and think I've located one source of my roadblocks but I don't know if there's a way around it. Amplitube is only recognizing one input of the Pro-Duo. With only Amplitube running, when I plug in the Pro-Duo, Amplitube sees it as a single channel of "digital audio" and I don't see anywhere to specify differently. I didn't have such limitation when I'd tried to use nTracks as my multi-tracker - from the very first time I plugged in the Pro-Duo nTracks asked me to specify my input device and allowed me to split the Duo to 2 discrete tracks. Does Amplitube's multitracking utility not allow this? ...still confused...
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Re: Setting up mic and guitar on an iPad Pro for live perfor

Postby Peter_IK » Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:21 pm

Please do not open multiple / duplicate topics with the same content/question per the forum rules. Closing this one. Please do not open others if users don't chime in. Beyond that, IK Support may have more information for you if users aren't able to assist.
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