Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

AmpliTube TONEX, AmpliTube 5, AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, AmpliTube Brian May, MESA/Boogie®,Orange™, Fender™, Hendrix™, Metal, AmpliTube SVX, and more for Mac/PC

Re: AT5 FEATURES Wishlist: disable "click to replace"

Postby lukehx3 » Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:51 pm

lukehx3 wrote:
dmitch wrote:One new AT5 feature is not working out for me: the bit where a single mouse click in the gear panel, if a similar kind of gear is selected in the chain, replaces the gear in the chain with the clicked-on gear. Poof! Settings gone, work that you've done since the last "save preset" op is gone, no undo, no recourse.

A single errant mouse click causing this havoc, with no undo, is just too dangerous. I really wish this feature could be disabled via a preference.

I couldn't agree more. It should be disabled and perhaps replaced with a right click/replace currently selected, or a drag and drop ON the gear we want to replace could replace instead of inserting a new piece of gear

An undo on top of that would still be a must have

My bad, a drag and drop on the gear to replace already works. Still, a single left click to replace the selected gear is dangerous as dmitch said
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby g5101899 » Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:37 am wrote:I use Amplitube as a practice tool. And the metronome is really important for me. ..

I second the need for a variety of metronome sound options.

Also, I want the ability to do gridding. (ref: to improve my time/feel.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby gkurtenbach » Mon Dec 28, 2020 3:17 pm

sonicblue4u wrote:I'd like to see a history or undo-redo feature in AmpliTube. :D

Yes, undo is really needed--undo is one of the great advantages of software over hardware so please add it!!

Like others have reported, I've lost setups because of accidentally clicking on something and not being able to undo it.

Redo is also needed but of less importance.
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AT 5 FEATURES Wishlist: open/close app without project file

Postby dmitch » Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:18 pm

Please consider enhancing the standalone app so that it can be opened and closed without regard to .at5proj files.

Preface: I have never used the recorder or looper in the standalone app. I use the app as a guitar amp. Every day, when I close the app, I have to respond to the alert that asks "You are about to close the current song, do you wish to save it?". This is totally unnecessary to the way I use the app.

Currently there are two ways to launch the app: double click on the app icon, or double click on an .at5proj file. Being able to double click on an .at5p preset file would certainly make my workflow easier.

Here's what I propose:

    1. Enable launching the app by double clicking on an .at5p preset file. The preset, of course, would be active when the app finishes launching.
    2. When the app closes, if the user has done nothing related to the recorder or looper, avoid the alert asking about closing the current song. (In my studio, at this point, there is no song. I should not have to deal with this alert every single day of my life. ;) )
AmpliTube 5.7.0 MAX; 2023 Mac Mini M2 Pro, 16 GB RAM, macOS 14.1; Logic Pro 10.7.9; Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby jjguitar » Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:25 pm

gkurtenbach wrote:
sonicblue4u wrote:I'd like to see a history or undo-redo feature in AmpliTube. :D

Yes, undo is really needed--undo is one of the great advantages of software over hardware so please add it!!

Like others have reported, I've lost setups because of accidentally clicking on something and not being able to undo it.

Redo is also needed but of less importance.

I absolutly agree !!!
Gear: Amplitube 5
Guitars: Heritage H-150, Gibson LP, Melancon Strat, Haar Strat, ESP Ron Wood Tele w/ stainless steel frets
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby Ochope » Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:15 am

Allow us to UNDO anything.
Even deleting a gear, moving it to another position, moving a knob. Just anything.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby MR4Y » Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:53 pm

- A global quality setting. One thing that always annoyed me in version 4 was having to tick 5 boxes just to be able to have some processing power left to record or even be able to hear it.

- Find a way of not loading everything at once. I tend to find myself not using Amplitube as much or only when I know it's the sound I'm looking for simply because it can take almost 2 minutes for it to load on my machine, while version 4 would only take a few seconds.

- Much like the "global preset" thing for models requested that was implemented in version 5.0.1, the whole "This feature requires so and so version of Amplitube" gets annoying fast, especially since some sessions of the plugin don't have right click context menus so you can get to all the options. You have to click through them.

- Is there a reason for not being able to right click on the "pedalboard" to delete pedals? You could do that in version 4. Why remove a feature like that?"
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby Yash » Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:47 pm

1) The ability to switch Power Tubes (and even preamp tubes) in all the amps. I wanna try a Mesa Boogie Mark III with EL34s or a the Brit 8000 with KT88s. etc etc

2) Some rack preamps and poweramps, and the ability to mix and match them. Or if possible, the ability to put the preamp section of one amp into the poweramp section of another, with switchable tubes of course. I'll post further details in the gear and preset wishlists.

3) More slots for effects before the amps, and in the 500 series. Yes, 6 isn't enough. I wanted to make a master rig, just selecting gear, and then program them and turn them on as needed, but ran out of space.

PS - Love the way I can blend 3 amps. I know it's over the top, but sooo fuuun. Thanks. Amplitube 5 is awesome!
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby christopher.moyse » Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:04 pm

Two improvements, please -

1 - noise reduction like AT4 (i.e. not only as a stomp). The AT4 implementation was easy to "reach for" when you decided that it was required and was very straightforward to calibrate.

2 - faster start-up: my AT5 takes far too long to collect whatever it's collecting before it comes alive each time (and it uses a huge amount of RAM, too).

They would be nice improvements for 5.0.2!
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby livesforrap » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:17 pm

christopher.moyse wrote:Two improvements, please -

1 - noise reduction like AT4 (i.e. not only as a stomp). The AT4 implementation was easy to "reach for" when you decided that it was required and was very straightforward to calibrate.

2 - faster start-up: my AT5 takes far too long to collect whatever it's collecting before it comes alive each time (and it uses a huge amount of RAM, too).

They would be nice improvements for 5.0.2!

Ditto and ditto. It's longer than sunset reverb by a lot so it's a while before my template loads :roll:
Windows 11, i5 11600k, 32 gigs of ram, Audient id4 @ 32 buffer. 44.1k sample rate.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby alienpops » Sat Jan 02, 2021 7:25 am

1. On pedal board view: Move the up/down arrows to the lefthand side of the pedals (where the power button is currently). That way they won't change position when switching between single-wide and double-wide pedals. As it stands, it's kind of annoying to click through them with a mouse because the position of the up/down arrow is constantly changing.

Or if easier to implement, just don't have the double-wide name boxes change size so that their up/down arrows snap with the single-wide pedals.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby Bonzai7 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:01 pm

The Gear Selector currently has two sub groups

Type & Collection

I would like a third group


So, dragging a Cabinet from the Chain View into the Cabinet User subgroup and naming it would allow saving and recalling that Cabinet plus the speaker choices, microphones, room, etc.

Likewise for saving and recalling that 30 Band EQ into the Rack User subgroup. It would make this EQ much more user usable :geek: .

The program has taken a giant leap forward, but I am doing some things too many times.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby livesforrap » Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:06 pm

Would that be like a "favorites" ?
Windows 11, i5 11600k, 32 gigs of ram, Audient id4 @ 32 buffer. 44.1k sample rate.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby alienpops » Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:41 pm

Mixer View - This is a nice addition, but having to click between Cab 1 and Cab 2 is clunky. It would be better if both Cab 1 and Cab 2 were on screen at the same time. Making the channels narrower would free up the space to accommodate both. Also This would be a huge improvement to overall functionality of the mixer view and would make a good feature into a great feature!
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby Bonzai7 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 11:30 pm

Favorites is a place to save a Gear Chain.

User SubHeadings under Pedal, Amp, Cabinet, and Rack would save individual pieces of Gear for a Gear Chain.

Then you can start making chains by dragging in gear you created instead of whatever is given when you drag a piece of gear onto your chain.

For instance a cabinet with speakers, mikes, and room of your choice.
An individual stomp box with your favorite settings.
An Amp already dialed by you.

Each piece of user gear would be named by you when you drag it from your Gear Chain to the Gear Selector User SubGroup.
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