Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby mkaylor » Wed Dec 23, 2020 4:08 pm

Patch library
Global EQ
Auto Drummer for Track Recorder in PC Version.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby hermybear2002 » Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:35 pm

After reading all these excellent ideas, I have a suggestion that may help IK in the future. I am seeing more comments related to ease of use and work flow improvements than any specific gear type. I thought to myself, if IK had reached out to the community to BETA test the workflow and ease of use configurations, some of these issues would not be issues...

Look, I get that the software is like your Secret Sauce and no one is getting the recipe to Bushes Baked Beans, and that's not what I am saying...I see a couple of recurring statements that are pretty spot on as far as set and forget is concerned...

We are musicians. We like to play music. Some of us like to program down to the microbe level :oops: Some of us don't. All of us want as easy a work flow for our individual needs as possible in the shortest amount of time it takes so we can get back to "We like to play music".

Ok, I hope I have pounded the obvious here. You have a very loyal community and a rather large one versus some of your competitors. You should use this TOOL. You can reach out to any select group within the community for BETA testing and you would get the answers you need before you release the software. Simple NDCA's would cover proprietary information or even contracts as BETA testers, but it is my strong and honest opinion that you need to make us of this.

Most of the suggestions are fixes, "put-back-ins" or "should have been there in the first place" versus new gear models or production tools. Consider this allegorically, my wish list to Santa should be about getting new toys, not fixing the ones he just brought.

This is the sort of thing that a few weeks of BETA testing, with the actual people that are going to be buying the gear, would have solved. And I am positive you can find people that will do it for free, without benefit to themselves, just to participate in getting a product that is crossing the finish line out of the box.

Sun Tzu says: "If you know yourself and you know your opponent, you will win all battles." In business, the consumer IS the well as the partner. Very ying/yang, but I digress...I think I am stating the obvious, again, but here goes...

You have the opportunity to expand this community in leaps and bounds if you will take more time getting to know us. There are some very accomplished people in here that could provide a wealth of insights to all who dwell here, including the techs and chiefs at IK. Allow us to participate and I promise you will have a more refined and better products for the future.

Anyway, that's my two-cents on the issue.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby hamid.eddie » Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:05 pm

For the love of god please add master volume for all the presets in amplitube 5

AND make some plan for 15 years of preset designing that we somehow use them in A5

I am using it as VSTi for just having a master volume control how can possibly remove that option? I must write different presets for each hour of the day?
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby hmdpurple » Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:42 am

Can we have Master Gate & Master Volume back?
Also more intuitive routing UI would be nice
why some models are missing in v5.x like some cabs and double SM57 Mic
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby livesforrap » Fri Dec 25, 2020 4:13 pm

I'm confused. There is a master volume that I see that is a slider now.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby Shai`tan » Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:20 pm

I use Amplitube as a practice tool. And the metronome is really important for me. Amplitube 4s metronome "ticking sound" for my ears is better than Amplitube 5s. Amplitube 4s seem to stand out better when I am playing warm up scales. Amplitube 5s metronome clicks pitch blends too close to my picking clicks. Hoping they change this so the metronome clicks sound more like Amplitube 4s. .....
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby carlaz » Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:01 pm

Here are some suggestions based on my experience with AT5 so far:
  • Although the PDF manual says "all IK Multimedia Factory Presets can
    be searched by gear model", I find this is a little hit and miss in practice. It seems like it depends on gear being tagged accurately in the preset metadata, but I am not sure it always is (tagged accurately). Like, if I search for "Mini" then I do find presets that use the "MiniPlex 20" model, but some of those presets disappear from the search results if I actually search for "MiniPlex" (or "MiniPlex 20"), possibly because the tagging is somewhat haphazard. Surely it would be possibly to enable a "gear search" that would be able to "look inside" any preset and see which gear models it genuinely used?
    • Continuing from the idea above, perhaps there could be "saved smart searches", so that I could have a "virtual preset folder" configured to continually update with a list of whatever presets contained some given model or combination of models? Like "let this folder contain all presets that use the Big Pig", or "let this folder contain all presets that use both the Big Pig and the EQ 81" or "let this folder contain all presets that use the Big Pig but not the EQ 81", etc.
  • The new layout is great, though it would be nice to be able to drag and resize (or close/reopen) the different panels within the GUI (or, indeed, the whole GUI, which is sort of locked at a particular aspect ratio). The "Chain" panel, especially can sometimes get quite long, and you have to go scrolling around in it to get to the part you want. Even a "zoom in/out" feature might help there.
  • The new artwork is great, though some controls/labels are very small and fiddly. Like, I know the EQ 81 functionality and text was already touched up in 5.0.1, but the high-/low-pass filter knob on it (and the accompanying labels) is still all tiny. It's difficult to actually grab with a mouse and push into the positions you want. I think erring on the side of ease-of-use rather than "closer to the original inspiration" might be the way to go here.
    • Continuing the thought of the previous bullet point, although some controls (continuous-value ones, I think?) let me click on the knob and then type in an exact value, it would be nice if stepped-value controls would let you just click on them and select from a little menu of available values. That would also help workaround the issues caused by some small and fiddly skeuomorphic controls -- as on, for example, the EQ 81. Instead of trying to grab the inner or outer bit of the virtual knob with my mouse and try to "twist" it (which is still not very easy, even after the 5.0.1 update, I could just click the outer ring and select, say, 100 Hz from a menu of the available options, and the click the inner knob and select, say, 12 KHz from a menu of the available options. (I've actually already saved a model preset with the hi-/low-pass filters engaged because it's so tedious trying to move the controls from "Off"!) :roll:
  • Finally ... I'm not quite sure how to best articulate this, but ... it would be nice to have various features that made it easier to compare tones between different settings on the same piece of gear or swapping a given piece of gear (for another given piece of gear) in or out of a chain. Some of this might be done with the addition of certain "A/B" type features or controls, but some of this might call for a more sophisticated way of handling "gear presets". For example, let's say I customize a whole bunch of various combinations of different cabs with different (non-stock) speakers. Right now, I think each such preset depends on the base cab model so that if I save a given configuration of cab+speakers+mics+room, I have to load the cab model and then call up variants based around that cab model. So, if I want to swap from my customized version of Cab A to my Customized version of Cab B, I have to first load stock Cab B in place of Cab A, and then call up my customized version of Cab B. But it would be nice to have a sort of "personalized gear locker" that let me select directly from my complete list of customized cabs (etc.) regardless of which cabs or speakers were involved, or that let me scroll through such a list to do faster comparisons. I recognize that this is potentially complicated given the many possible combinations of types of gear and components involved, which is why I don't feel like I have yet thought of exactly how I think it should work :roll: ... but I do think there is something for the UI experts to mull over on this one.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby alienpops » Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:15 pm

Please add a text overlay of gear names for the signal chain window. Perhaps allow it to be toggled on/off by a button (or in preferences). Too many of the pieces of gear look nearly identical (especially the small icons in the gear chain) and it would be nice to be able to see what gear is actually in a preset at a glance.

As it stands, I am finding the AT5 gear chain window less useful than I anticipated because I still wind up having to click around to find out which gear is in the signal chain because it all looks alike (especially cabs, amps and 500 rack gear).

Actually, a completely text-based signal flow diagram would be way more useful to me, but I understand IK is all-in on the skeuomorphic approach. But at least having the names in addition to the tiny icons would make it way more useful.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby AudioArcanes » Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:34 am


> Stereo chain : The stereo stomboxes slots are nice but only three ? I don't really understand why IK included maybe six mono L and R slots and only three stereo, i would prefer 6 stereo and 3 separate left and right... but really 10 stereo stompboxes is the bare minimum. People will understand what to do if the CPU gets overloaded , please dont hardwire such a small stompbox limit in the software.

> About the CAB page arrangement, the CAB bypass button and CAB link button should be visible at all times even when going to edit or position the microphones... there's room in the tool bar.

> MIDI assignment could be a lot more convenient... right click a stompbox > assign > bypass > DAW parameter 1

> I need to do some more testing but the IR CAB did not seem to load all the IR's when pointed to a folder, it seemed to load IR's individually. It should be able to scan a folder and present multiple IR's in the list in one go.

Last edited by AudioArcanes on Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby livesforrap » Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:38 am

I haven't even tried midi stuff :lol:

It was pretty incompatible with the hosts I use in AT4.
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FEATURES Wishlist: Selected Module Volume

Postby dmitch » Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:32 am

A really useful feature in AT4 seems to have been dropped: the "Selected module" controls. Volume was always enabled in this section; pan, phase, and DI were conditionally enabled depending on the module and the placement in the chain. The Volume control is the one I miss - being able to trim the level everywhere in the chain. You can't depend on every stomp box and rack effect both having a level control and never being bypassed, so you can't rely on the last effect as a master level control; thus a "master volume" for the whole rack (or the whole pedal board) is useful. Some amps change their tone when you change the master volume, so having a volume control for the amp section that is not in the amp is useful.

I'd love to see this feature return.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby alienpops » Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:57 am

1. This is either a bug or feature request: When adding a new pedal to the pedalboard area, have it become selected in the signal chain window too. In the current setup, dragging a pedal to the pedal board window leaves whatever was selected before in the chain window selected. So say I tweak the settings on a pedal how I want them, then add another by dragging to the pedalboard window, it is not the selected piece of gear. So then if inadvertently touch another pedal, it replaces the previous pedal.

2. This has been mentioned before, but yes, please add an undo/redo!! I am finding it is too easy in AT5 to accidentally click something in one of the windows and mess up something I've spent time dialing the sound in on. I know there is a learning curve to new software, but "undo" would help ease the frustration with the new AT5 interface.

3. Bur or feature request: When using a midi pedal to change presets when the folder icon is selected, the selected/highlighted preset is not always on screen (especially when it goes between folders). Have the highlight/selection follow the preset when it changes.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby carlaz » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:14 pm

alienpops wrote:1. This is either a bug or feature request: When adding a new pedal to the pedalboard area, have it become selected in the signal chain window too. In the current setup, dragging a pedal to the pedal board window leaves whatever was selected before in the chain window selected. So say I tweak the settings on a pedal how I want them, then add another by dragging to the pedalboard window, it is not the selected piece of gear. So then if inadvertently touch another pedal, it replaces the previous pedal.
2. This has been mentioned before, but yes, please add an undo/redo!! I am finding it is too easy in AT5 to accidentally click something in one of the windows and mess up something I've spent time dialing the sound in on. I know there is a learning curve to new software, but "undo" would help ease the frustration with the new AT5 interface.

OK, so it's not just me! :lol: I, too, often find myself trying to drop a pedal or rack unit in between others, or simply trying to click on something to change settings or save something, and then find pieces of gear moving around or being replaced. I think the sensitivity and/or default reaction behavior of the GUI might benefit from some tweaking. (An Undo/Redo feature would not go amiss either.

Also, on another note, while I'm fine that the "1/2/3" variants of a number of the Metal-era cabs have just been reduced to "1" (since the original numbering scheme indicated different mic configurations in the days before the Cab Room), it's bothering my OCD that the cabs are still numbered "1" when there's no "2" or "3". :shock: Anyway, if everything has been remodeled for VIR, then aren't these effectively "new/updated" cabs? I feel like they deserve a little more personality in their looks, too. I mean, the 4x12 Metal T and V cabs look basically identical (though, curiously, the images of the mics move slightly when you flip between the cabs). A number of the Marshally cabs are also identical in looks. I think all these they could get at least fun "AmpliTube" logos or something to tart them up a bit. :D
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AT5 FEATURES Wishlist: disable "click to replace"

Postby dmitch » Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:44 pm

One new AT5 feature is not working out for me: the bit where a single mouse click in the gear panel, if a similar kind of gear is selected in the chain, replaces the gear in the chain with the clicked-on gear. Poof! Settings gone, work that you've done since the last "save preset" op is gone, no undo, no recourse.

A single errant mouse click causing this havoc, with no undo, is just too dangerous. I really wish this feature could be disabled via a preference.
AmpliTube 5.7.0 MAX; 2023 Mac Mini M2 Pro, 16 GB RAM, macOS 14.1; Logic Pro 10.7.9; Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen.
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Re: AT5 FEATURES Wishlist: disable "click to replace"

Postby lukehx3 » Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:32 pm

dmitch wrote:One new AT5 feature is not working out for me: the bit where a single mouse click in the gear panel, if a similar kind of gear is selected in the chain, replaces the gear in the chain with the clicked-on gear. Poof! Settings gone, work that you've done since the last "save preset" op is gone, no undo, no recourse.

A single errant mouse click causing this havoc, with no undo, is just too dangerous. I really wish this feature could be disabled via a preference.

I couldn't agree more. It should be disabled and perhaps replaced with a right click/replace currently selected, or a drag and drop ON the gear we want to replace could replace instead of inserting a new piece of gear

An undo on top of that would still be a must have
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