5.0.1 is out

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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby livesforrap » Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:14 pm

Standalone works now :) Tuner seems to be better.
Windows 11, i5 11600k, 32 gigs of ram, Audient id4 @ 32 buffer. 44.1k sample rate.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby hermybear2002 » Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:04 pm

2012 Macbook Pro - Pre-retina:

After I updated to 5.0.1, it actually worked for me while still using REAPER 6.18. I did crash once while I was sending some Sysex, but that could have been my coding as well (rush test job). I updated REAPER to 6.19 and have no problems with functionality now.

I noticed on the 'release notes' something about fixing an issue with parameters (changing?) when using drag & drop and I was wondering if that was supposed to mean that effects assigned with a midi CC# for bypass or parameter changes can be moved but still keep their assignments? If that is a yes...it doesn't work; at least not that I am seeing. If the intent is no, then you may want to look into making it yes. As we start to build more rigs, with more gear chains, programming is going to become an extremely daunting exercise. I've already had to reprogram midi CC# to the same effect 4 times in the last 15 minutes because I'm moving it around in the "stomp box" chain. Since I have to do this with a foot controller AND my BCR2000 (one to control bypass; one to control rotary style parameters), it's becoming more that a chore to make a simple change. Sorry not trying to be contrary. 5.0.1 pretty much made my day.

On my PC (i7-10700k/GTX1070Ti/16gRam/2TBHDD/256SDD):

Obviously I had no problems with resolution, but I did have the same issue as others when first loading the VST's. It also seems to happen each time I open REAPER; I get the dialogue box stating the AT5.vst3 is either open in another window or waiting for authorization, then REAPER will continue loading other plugins and open to my last session. At that point, I can look and find the AT5.vst3 file in the FX area, open it and assign it to a track. As I don't really use my PC for music production, this was a way to test some things vs. my MBP's issues.

My only problem now seems to be that Custom Shop won't load on my PC...LOL seems it's always something, eh? It was an issue with my virus protection and I took the steps giving to me LIVE by my virus protect provider, but I must have pissed off CS cuz now it just hangs at 30% when I try to install it. It was stuck last night due to the virus protection quarantining it, but with the fix from their IT, it should have had no problem installing. I tried this morning after the update and it just sat their for about 20 minutes at 30%...Is it supposed to take a long time to install?
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby DarkStar » Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:37 pm

DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby blazerscope » Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:18 am

Even with the update theres an issue with looper. In looper mode if you try to change amps or presets the looper function disappears. You can switch to recorder and try to come back to looper but even clicking on the looper icon does nothing?!?!
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby christopher.moyse » Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:30 am

Ran the installer from Product Manager. At a certain point, a pop-up appeared asking me to load the next disk (!) A nostalgia trip I wasn't expecting. Thanks for taking us back to the nineties, IKM! Seriously, I now do not know how to proceed. I pressed cancel and the installer performed a roll-back. Product Manager says "Installing - 3o attempt" and references a zip file that I so far cannot find, although no installer is running.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby thejone » Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:01 am

Had the same issue. The solution is to open the documents folder. There go to ikmultimedia. Then to ik product manager. There is a folder AT5. In here should be a zip file 5.0.1. Unzip it to any folder and open the installer from there. That should do the trick. I guess the regular process tries to install from the zipped package linking everthing to a tmp folder and this is where the problem happens. However, the above mentioned workarround will solve the issue.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby DarkStar » Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:47 pm

Please contact Support, via here and let them know about those issues. There is a link at the top of the Search FAQs page to the Technical Support form, for some one to one investigation and help. Response time is usually within 2 working days (US (East Coast) Business hours, generally), but in the current circumstances please allow some more time.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby captship » Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:49 pm

Have found I can now use AT5 plugins in Reaper without crashing the program if I do the following:

After computer boot up:

Start Standalone first and wait for it to load everything before using Reaper. Standalone did not need to be open when using Reaper just start and load up first. If I tried Reaper first would time out and crash when starting every time.

I use Norton Utilities Premium to optimize computer performance. I disabled the “Fast Write” option. When I disabled Fast Write Reaper would no longer crash, although there is a pretty significant delay, when removing from the FX window.

The initial startup of AT5 Standalone takes much longer than subsequent starts, and it takes a fairly long time for the preset browser to refresh but is improved with Fast Write disabled.

If I follow the proper sequence after computer boot up and leave “Fast Write” disabled using AT5, while not perfect, is much improved.

AT4 had none of these issues – fast write was always enabled, never started standalone version of AT4 before opening Reaper, engaging and removing AT4 plugins was nearly instantaneous.

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.71 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

reported this to support.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby Xoutremer » Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:53 pm

Finally got AT5 working in Reaper. Strange tweak forcing it to load the generic plugin UI first. Must be a weird limitation on my own graphics card.

Still it's all rocking now.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby christopher.moyse » Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:40 pm

thejone wrote:Had the same issue. The solution is to open the documents folder. There go to ikmultimedia. Then to ik product manager. There is a folder AT5. In here should be a zip file 5.0.1. Unzip it to any folder and open the installer from there. That should do the trick. I guess the regular process tries to install from the zipped package linking everthing to a tmp folder and this is where the problem happens. However, the above mentioned workarround will solve the issue.
Regards and happy holidays!


Greetings reciprocated! Many thanks - your recipe seems to have worked.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby dlgebert » Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:43 pm

I was able to install the update on my iMac running macOS Big Sur and it's working perfectly in Studio One 5. The updated visuals in Amplitube 5 are amazing. :)

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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby hermybear2002 » Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:01 pm

Have some questions about the update:

You might want to get a cup of coffee & some pastries or use the bathroom before you start reading and make sure you are comfortable...it may be a while before you get a break... :lol:


Fixed several inverted parameters on Pedals and Rack FX

As will be the theme of this post, I want to ask what did this 'fix' actually do? Not sure what inverted parameters were fixed as I am not sure what your definition of 'inverted parameters' is. One of the major requests (issues) we have had over the years is in regards to how the bypass toggle action/parameters are laid out. This is what I (and others, I believe) would call the "inverted parameter" problem. The general consensus being directed at the 'bypass' toggle action in which on & off are opposite of normal controller standards.

Just so we are clear, when I bind a bypass (or any other trigger that goes on/off or a/b) to a piece of gear, the on/off parameters are opposite the intended action. So, let's say CC81 is bound to an Overdrive (OD) on B1 (before the amp) in AT5 and to my pedal 1 in my FCB1010 (FCB) foot controller. When I push pedal 1 to the 'on' position on my FBC, it should trigger the OD to turn on. Instead, it actually triggers the "off" setting on the OD. When again pressing pedal 1 to the 'off' position on the FCB the OD turns on.

The settings in the Control Window show: CC81 > 0% > 100% > 5 > No Latch.

In order to get the pedal to match the controller and turn on when the light is on and off when it is off, you must reverse (invert) the 0% & 100% to 100% and 0%. Right now, we must manually make this change. What we are asking for is that IK make 100% to 0% the default or fix the 'polarity' of the Off / On to On / Off.

Fixed an issue that was corrupting pedal settings during Drag n Drop

Once again, my apologies here, but I do not know what this fix was fixing, but I can (and will :P) speculate on both the statement and my perceived response. I haven't experienced any changes to settings (volume, tone, etc.) on any individual piece of gear when moving it about. The only issue I found that fits this explanation is the loss of midi assignment when a piece of gear is moved via drag & drop. As an example:

If I currently assign CC81 to the OD in position 3 of the front of amp chain and move it to another position, inside the same chain or to another module, the midi assignment is removed. At first, you would think this is as is should be...except that it is contrary to the production flow. My personal example here:

I have 4 'go to' Rigs that are all completely different. 1. Acoustic/light Electric (coffee house crap). 2. Mesa/Marshall (Allman Brothers/Santana/Gary Moore/etc.) 3. ENGL (and possible the new Bogner...yum) for those in your face recordings. 4. '65 Twin /Jerry f-n Garcia (for life's breath and overall guitar Zen),

I am currently trying to finish Jerry and #1. I had to stop on #3, which I usually do first cuz of all the live crossover A/B blending of the Powerball & E650 and the delays and other tricks. Because this AT5 upgrade sounds so good, you HAVE to rethink your gear chains and swap things around for the best possible sonic experience between gear bleed, placement, etc. Every time I set something up to listen to, then move it to hear it elsewhere, I have to reset 4 or 5 midi assignments that are necessary for the gear to interact as needed. That could be 20-30 times I am resetting midi assignments for the same piece of gear in a single afternoon.

Multiply that one piece of gear to say eight or ten pieces of gear in a dual or parallel chain and I am spending way more time programming than playing :shock: :o :(

Now I may be WAY MORE ANAL than almost everyone else here when it comes to midi usage but it is how I like to play...and I am positive I am not the only one that likes to set up automation-like events or even just simple midi assigns, whether in stand alone or DAW/looper.

Either this or the toggle issue, individually, can be manageable...I can move the stuff around and use LEARN quickly...IF the parameters are set to a correct ON/OFF stage...OR...I can muck around in the control, ONE TIME for each piece of gear, and set the parameters to 100% / 0% as long as moving that piece of gear doesn't lose my midi CC# assignments (yes, eventually I may need to reassign a pedal, etc. but it is my CHOICE, not forced on me).

When you look at both issues, together, now you are seeing a serious problem. I don't think this is intended, but if it is, sorry...it is wrong. It will cause people to shy away from immersion into this incredible piece of technology; the musicians here, using IK software, are not your run of the mill plug into my whatever new kid on the block P.O.S. amp that Guitar Center is pushing this week. They are a savvy bunch of people who have realized that the step curve for analogue to digital is almost even and using this technology will be the future, so...please, please, please, with a '58 Golden Neck on top, fix at least one of these issues asap...

Gear Visibility Mode is now stored as a global preference

Not sure what this did either. First, what is Gear Visibility Mode? I don't see any reference to it in any of the Global Settings or in any 'settings' in general. Is this a means to close the Gear View on the right side of the screen? That would be the only thing I can think of as the 'gear' is visible in the chain and as individual views in their respective 'gear selection' tabs.

I'm just trying to get my hands around what is and what is not at this point. I completely understand that there are going to be glitches...work around enough video game devs and you'll feel like this came off without a hitch, lol, but I also am finding issues that will eventually erode our desire to interact with your software. One of the main reasons the best ever created delay, TC Electronic 2290, is seldom used by almost everyone...it lacks any intuitiveness as it was designed by one's and zero's computer programmers instead of musicians who are also computer programmers lol. Human nature being what it is, most people are like water and flow to the path of least resistance.

All that being said...and it was a lot, I know, AT5 is the best sounding software on the market, hands down. The amount of effort it took to create this new version was herculean and the results show it. I would expect IK, being such a good company, to fix a few minor issues at the request of it's clientele...js ;)

Sorry, I am feeling very long winded today...could be my age :? :lol:
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby Peter_IK » Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:04 pm

Gear visibility is the filter button/icon, yes. The other questions will need to be handled via support who work with the testers and devs on these fixes and will know the details as they've had the issues reported, recreated them, logged with the developers, testing team tested before and after the fixes, etc.
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby stormwatch1977 » Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:49 pm

I just wanted to say that both the standalone and Reaper versions of AT5 are now working for me on my laptop. Thank you. :)

I just have one question, this applied to AT4 as well but I thought I'd ask now:

I play my guitar using input 2 on my Scarlett. Is there a way to set input 2 as the default AT5 input, rather than me having to change it every single time I use it?
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Re: 5.0.1 is out

Postby livesforrap » Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:54 pm

If you are talking about standalone, on here it remembers that I'm input 3 (the RME I have is XLR on one and two)
Windows 11, i5 11600k, 32 gigs of ram, Audient id4 @ 32 buffer. 44.1k sample rate.
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