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Re: AXE I/O Bundle with Amplitube 5 Max issue

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:06 pm

bscur1 wrote:Hi,
Has anyone who bought the AXE I/O and Amplitube 5 Max bundle been given access to the Max edition yet? I only have Amplitube 5 SE available despite registering the AXE I/O and contacting customer support (they told me to restore my purchases, but that didn't restore any Max gear). Hopefully, customer support will get back with a fix, but has anyone made the Max version work if you bought the bundle. I'm curious if it is an IK issue for many people, or something with my account. I'm sure it'll get worked out and I'll get what I pre-paid for eventually, but I am excited to get started.

Yes, those AXE I/O serials should release your AmpliTube 5 MAX when registered in IK Product Manager. If you have registered yours (which it seems you have) and you don't see it please let IK Support know that restoring purchases didn't work and they'll look further into your account and get you all set.
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Re: AXE I/O Bundle with Amplitube 5 Max issue

Postby fliduo » Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:20 pm

bscur1 wrote:Hi,
Has anyone who bought the AXE I/O and Amplitube 5 Max bundle been given access to the Max edition yet? I only have Amplitube 5 SE available despite registering the AXE I/O and contacting customer support (they told me to restore my purchases, but that didn't restore any Max gear). Hopefully, customer support will get back with a fix, but has anyone made the Max version work if you bought the bundle. I'm curious if it is an IK issue for many people, or something with my account. I'm sure it'll get worked out and I'll get what I pre-paid for eventually, but I am excited to get started.

I had the same issue and resolved after contacting CS at IK. My password wasn't working so I reset it, after reset my password, my account got messed up, I lost my registration to the AXE I/O, therefore, Amplitube 5 Max's not available to my account. CS fixed that with proof of purchase and now it's all good.

Good luck!
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Re: AXE I/O Bundle with Amplitube 5 Max issue

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:29 pm

fliduo wrote:
bscur1 wrote:Hi,
Has anyone who bought the AXE I/O and Amplitube 5 Max bundle been given access to the Max edition yet? I only have Amplitube 5 SE available despite registering the AXE I/O and contacting customer support (they told me to restore my purchases, but that didn't restore any Max gear). Hopefully, customer support will get back with a fix, but has anyone made the Max version work if you bought the bundle. I'm curious if it is an IK issue for many people, or something with my account. I'm sure it'll get worked out and I'll get what I pre-paid for eventually, but I am excited to get started.

I had the same issue and resolved after contacting CS at IK. My password wasn't working so I reset it, after reset my password, my account got messed up, I lost my registration to the AXE I/O, therefore, Amplitube 5 Max's not available to my account. CS fixed that with proof of purchase and now it's all good.

Good luck!

What a ride! Glad you made it through the journey, now you can start enjoying AmpliTube 5 MAX which is a ride as well but a much more fun ride than the one you had getting there.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby fliduo » Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:31 pm

Thanks Peter!

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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Paul_R » Thu Dec 17, 2020 7:03 pm

Valiumdupeuple wrote:isn't it a bit unexpected that the "real thing" then sounds so much different as AT gets a new engine? Is it still sounding like the "real thing" then?

It's more realer in 5
Last edited by Paul_R on Thu Dec 17, 2020 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Bscur1 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 7:04 pm

Thanks IK! The customer service folks got my Max bundle issue sorted out. I appreciate the prompt service. Thanks again.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby jtvoxboi » Thu Dec 17, 2020 7:09 pm

I'm not one to post often...Anywhere on the web... I usually inhale info and learn (2 ears, 1 mouth, 66% of my time is listening)... But, quick story... :arrow:

About 30 years ago I went into a small studio in Quebec, Canada and recorded a great guitar / amp setup.

...a 1969 version of a '59 Marshall Superlead 100 and a full stack, all original closed cab 25 watt Celestians... the green ones called the "Hendrix"... (Sold it a few years back, a collector got a bad...) :roll:

... an SM 57 painstakingly placed just off center really tight on the top left of the slant cab, and a Senn 421 on the bottom right of the slant cab off by about 6-8 inches sort of dead center... all sitting pretty off the floor on the flat cab...and we built the "sound" from that... As well, there were 2 B&K reference mics in the back corners of the 16 X 16 foot (approx. roomsize)... I remember it like it was yesterday... a dream sound... 8-)

We worked like dogs on killing frequency stealing phase and were really pleased with a super transparent and heavy sound... ..still can hear those complex chords thru the distortion, it was something special. I have a digital version of the original GTR track so I can really compare...

All to say, today, I built that same sound in AT5... Surreal... just unbelievable... The only difference, I don't own that LP that it was played on... Used my current one...

IK's VIR iced the sound... I was virtually brought back in time...

I'm sitting in the studio and am in virtual Amp awe.

Thanks IK, on to endless new sounds... Cheers everyone, and, "NO PUTTING YOUR BEER DOWN ON THE BOARD!"
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby DarkStar » Thu Dec 17, 2020 7:20 pm

Good story :)

Now, if only you could go back in time ... think how impressed the studio guys would be.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby hermybear2002 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 7:59 pm

Good morning Peter,

I had left a query on page 37 last night but as of this morning, we are at page 39, so you may have missed it.

I upgraded to AT5 SE (yes, in retrospect, going with AT5 or Max would have been better but due to Covid-19 I just couldn't afford it)

I am experiencing a few issues. I can't seem to get AT5 to pull up in Reaper 6.0 w/o it crashing. I can get it to work in Ableton Live Lite 10, but this was a test as I don't use Ableton (was a freebee with some hardware I bought).

Also, in the Preset section, I have listed AT5 CS, AT5 & AT5 Max but no AT5 SE. Obviously, I can't use any of the 'higher' upgrades, but that leaves me only with CS or Legacy.

Should I pull a ticket?

That being said, I'm on board with Carlaz! This version of AT is the best digital sound I have ever heard from software. As stated earlier, I A/B'd the '65 Twin Reverb against a real 1965 Twin Reverb (stock) and a Jerry Garcia modded one...I was literally blown away. On the stock Twin, we matched waveforms using his old oscilloscope. Just Wow. As for the Garcia mod, I have never been able to use any software program (or even stock Twin) to get Jerry's dropped bass/mids - boosted highs - rolled off EQ's that required surgery to his initial Twin, without some major acts of EQ legerdemain...until now. The '65 Twin is SO RESPONSIVE that I can actually dial in a 9 - Treble / 3.5 Mid / 2.5 Bass and I get Jerry Garcia (base). The only EQ's necessary are on the Drives (Boss OD1 & Mudhoney), and that's just to cap ceiling bleed over from pushing the tone.

I haven't even tried another amp yet! I am so engrossed in this Twin. Next up is the Mesa's and then the Oranges.

One question for the future...Is there any way you guys can sample JBL E120, K120 & D120?

Also, and this is not on IKM, but more of a general statement across all software platforms, is there any way to make a better Nu Tron III (Mutron III)? The Maxon does pretty good, but it doesn't have the sonic quality that a real Mutron III has (I have owned both).

I spent about 3.5 hours playing last night...and got yelled at by the misses for staying up so late LOL, but it was WORTH IT! I am happy as a pig in mud with this upgrade. Now if we can just work out the bugs...
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby ejsheldon » Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:17 pm

Anybody know where the Global MIDI Bypass settings for the effects went to? Are they only per preset now? And where's the MIDI Input indicator?
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby carlaz » Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:39 pm

hermybear2002 wrote:One question for the future...Is there any way you guys can sample JBL E120, K120 & D120?

Clearly, there is a call for a "Grateful Dead" gear collection. :mrgreen:
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby bzandy » Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:49 pm

I wish my Axe I/O bundle would hurry up and ship! This is killing me haha
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby jessethompson56 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:54 pm

Is there a way to reset amp settings to the original settings out of the box? It seems the interface remembers and uses model settings when you add the model to a new setup. I think that is great. But I am still tinkering to get the tones I want and I would love to compare to the out of the box settings.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby ejsheldon » Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:59 pm

jessethompson56 wrote:Is there a way to reset amp settings to the original settings out of the box? It seems the interface remembers and uses model settings when you add the model to a new setup. I think that is great. But I am still tinkering to get the tones I want and I would love to compare to the out of the box settings.

If you mean to A/B within a preset, I don't think so.

Best Practice is to never modify a factory preset. Copy it to a custom "My Presets" type folder. Then make another copy and mod that. That way you can easily switch between the original and modded presets.
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Re: Presenting AmpliTube 5

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:04 pm

hermybear2002 wrote:Good morning Peter,

I had left a query on page 37 last night but as of this morning, we are at page 39, so you may have missed it.

I upgraded to AT5 SE (yes, in retrospect, going with AT5 or Max would have been better but due to Covid-19 I just couldn't afford it)

I am experiencing a few issues. I can't seem to get AT5 to pull up in Reaper 6.0 w/o it crashing. I can get it to work in Ableton Live Lite 10, but this was a test as I don't use Ableton (was a freebee with some hardware I bought).

Also, in the Preset section, I have listed AT5 CS, AT5 & AT5 Max but no AT5 SE. Obviously, I can't use any of the 'higher' upgrades, but that leaves me only with CS or Legacy.

Should I pull a ticket?

That being said, I'm on board with Carlaz! This version of AT is the best digital sound I have ever heard from software. As stated earlier, I A/B'd the '65 Twin Reverb against a real 1965 Twin Reverb (stock) and a Jerry Garcia modded one...I was literally blown away. On the stock Twin, we matched waveforms using his old oscilloscope. Just Wow. As for the Garcia mod, I have never been able to use any software program (or even stock Twin) to get Jerry's dropped bass/mids - boosted highs - rolled off EQ's that required surgery to his initial Twin, without some major acts of EQ legerdemain...until now. The '65 Twin is SO RESPONSIVE that I can actually dial in a 9 - Treble / 3.5 Mid / 2.5 Bass and I get Jerry Garcia (base). The only EQ's necessary are on the Drives (Boss OD1 & Mudhoney), and that's just to cap ceiling bleed over from pushing the tone.

I haven't even tried another amp yet! I am so engrossed in this Twin. Next up is the Mesa's and then the Oranges.

One question for the future...Is there any way you guys can sample JBL E120, K120 & D120?

Also, and this is not on IKM, but more of a general statement across all software platforms, is there any way to make a better Nu Tron III (Mutron III)? The Maxon does pretty good, but it doesn't have the sonic quality that a real Mutron III has (I have owned both).

I spent about 3.5 hours playing last night...and got yelled at by the misses for staying up so late LOL, but it was WORTH IT! I am happy as a pig in mud with this upgrade. Now if we can just work out the bugs...

Hi, and first thank you for the compliments about AmpliTube 5.

As for your technical issues, yes you should open a ticket for those. That is the way to get any issues fully resolved by the team who takes care of technical support.

For gear and feature requests, today I have opened a sticky thread in the AmpliTube subforum for each of those categories so those requests would be best made there.

Keep enjoying AmpliTube 5!
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