IKM is probably one of the best as far as releasing stable software. Where an initial release has bug or two, lol, I have never had to wait for an update release from IKM. Not once in almost 9 years ?
So I'm fine with a delay,,,
But this, is not a delay... it's actually on time and going to be released in the 4th Quarter. As mentioned officially.

I am so excited about AT5, because I haven't really been able to use my Stomp I/O and have had it for months... I damaged my left shoulder really bad. They tell me only a shoulder replacement is possible. lol, I broke it a few times in my life and didn't even know it I guess. And I never missed a day of work with any of them. Thought it was just dislocated or something, but when the doc looked at the MRI and again new ex-rays, this doc said I've just had too many breaks heal incorrectly. He said he doesn't know how I am moving my arm, and surprised I have full range. Suggested I do not get the replacement and put it off as long as I can. 1 of the 4 muscles over the shoulder is not connected, and 2 more are torn about 2/3's, and the bones involved are just a mess.
This fall happened from me breaking my back in 2012. Lost most of my left leg nerves, even after surgery of an L4,L5,S1 360 fusion. So leg just doesn't get the signals to the muscles to do what they should.
We moved into this house 2 years ago, and the neighbors house was on fire. I didn't know we had a foot tall, 6 foot round fire pit. It was pitch black, I yelled fire and I was hoofing it with my cane, wiped out when I hit it and my left arm slid with the flat stone, so my arm was behind me, broke it and dislocated it, again. They were able to put the fire out, and hardly any damage. The neighbor guy had the fire about 5 feet from his house,,, He said he wont do that again, lol. After that, about a month ago, I was going up the stairs, my left leg did not make the step. I was able to sorta catch myself with both arms, but messed the shoulder up again.
So, 6 months of physical therapy (check out Blood flow Restriction benefits) and about 5 months of working it out, and a year later I can hold more than a pop or coffee now

So maybe I've just developed patients enough to not stress things that aren't worth stressing out on.
I plan on using AT5 as my arm therapy tool, lol. And I am waiting to see if the price drops after release, since I have everything that comes in Max except Satch, and Brian May(don't need or want), and the new AT5 additions. Oh and lacking the Fulltone Chorus rack unit. I'm looking at just AT5, not the SE since it doesn't have the new gear additions. Nor Max since I have all the Add-Ons available that I want. Can't ell you how many double products I have, and don't need more, lol.
OH, and the regular AT5 will have the SansAmp plugin,,,!!!
......................... It's Coming soon!!! AT5 very soon...!!!
P.S. remember... what only comes round only once a year,,,
.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`Merry Christmas !!!`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.