I had been having some issues with ST 2.5 and then upgraded to ST3. The main issue was loops not syncing to the tempo of DAW. While in ST3 there were new loops that were labelled with tempo numbers, the sync function was not working with the Xtank instruments.
Recently I noticed that even the loops that came with ST3 are not labelled in correct tempo and the SYNC is not working. I use mostly AD2 and other kits from ST3 but for doing quick low budget projects this feature is very useful. Especially with the quality of ST3 loops. Unfortunately I am unable to use them.
Another issue is some Guitar patches in the Acoustic Guitar instrument pack are having some artifacts and uses a lot of CPU/gives some issues that I forgot now. I remember sending a request to support regarding this but they couldn't reproduce. But I just stopped using these since then.
Then in some Ethnic instruments such as dulcimer and santur, there are some off-pitched samples either in one or two of the round-robin samples or entirely in some keys (eg. A#3 and B3 in Dulcimer long). There is in some samples artifacts.
The main reason I upgraded from 2.5 to 3 was 64bit and for the additional sounds and the large GUI.
Has it been addressed in ST4? Then I will be convinced to buy the upgrade.