Hammond B-3X- What hardware to use all 3 manuals?

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Hammond B-3X- What hardware to use all 3 manuals?

Postby 9blackoranges » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:30 pm

I would like to put together a hardware set-up that lets me use the full capability of this excellent software. That is all 3 manuals and the full range of each. So, not using the 'keyboard split function' which limits the extent of each manual to the cross-over points.

I have seen Hammond's used and IK Multimedia's 2x iRig Keys I/O 49.

Has anyone put together a hardware set-up that will link with this software so all three manuals fully function ( Upper, lower and pedals)..other than using a Hammond Organ? And not by using the 'split keyboard option'.

If so, whats the set-up?

Also, presumably this will only work if the programme is run stand-alone only. If its run through a DAW it seems impossible to do so using just one instance of it as a plug-in?
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Re: Hammond B-3X- What hardware to use all 3 manuals?

Postby DarkStar » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:31 pm

Au contraire :)

A single instance of Hammond B-3X can respond to up to four MIDI channels:
Upper Manual: set the MIDI channel for the upper manual, the top keyboard.
Lower Manual: set the MIDI channel for the lower manual, the bottom keyboard.
Pedal: set the MIDI channel for the pedal manual.
Program Change: set the MIDI channel on which Hammond B-3X will respond to MIDI Program Change messages.

So "all" you need are 2 keyboards, a foot-operated MIDI board and a MIDI controller, each set to a different channel.


Within a DAW you can achieve the same by programming (or Recording) MIDI notes on the first 3 different channels and MIDI Program Change events on the 4th channel.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Hammond B-3X- What hardware to use all 3 manuals?

Postby 9blackoranges » Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:02 am

Has anyone set up and use a non-Hammond hardware running all 3 manuals?

Perhaps an opportunity for IK to put one together as a package to utilise their excellent product?

Darkstar...thanks. In respect of using a DAW as suggested you would need to load the B-3x four times, i.e. into each channel?
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Re: Hammond B-3X- What hardware to use all 3 manuals?

Postby DarkStar » Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:54 am

9blackoranges wrote:DarkStar...thanks. In respect of using a DAW as suggested you would need to load the B-3x four times, i.e. into each channel?

Not in the DAWs I use ;)

As a thought experiment (forgetting Program Changes for the moment), I would:
-- create 4 tracks (A ... D),
-- set the MIDI input for track A to one keyboard and set its MIDI channel to, say, 01,
-- set the MIDI input for track B to the second keyboard and set its MIDI channel to, say, 02,
-- set the MIDI input for track C to the foot-operated keyboard and set its MIDI channel to, say, 03.
-- set the track routing to send MIDI from those three tracks to track D,
-- load B-3X on track D and set the MIDI channels: Upper = 01, Lower = 02, Pedal = 03.
-- save the 4 tracks as a template so I do not need to create it all again.

Now I can play the keyboards, Record all the MIDI on trck D (from the other 3 tracks) and hear B-3X in all its glory.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Hammond B-3X- What hardware to use all 3 manuals?

Postby DarkStar » Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:56 am

On reflection, you could think of B-3X as a multitimbral plug-in, with 3 loaded sounds (Upper, Lower and Pedal) each driven by MIDI events on a different MIDI channel. In the same way that SampleTank has up to 16 loaded sounds.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Hammond B-3X- What hardware to use all 3 manuals?

Postby 9blackoranges » Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:29 pm

Thanks DarkStar,

You pointed me in the right direction. It was not working previously because I had the midi chanel with the B-3x on as 'all ins' and needed to be ( surprisingly!) on "no input'.

Just incase anyone is having difficulty setting up this programme in Ableton and want to use all 3 channels and record each channel independently :-

Channel 1. Midi from "fred Keyboard' : channel 1 input : Monitor 'In': Midi to "4 - Hammond B-3 : Track in 1-Hammond B-3.

Channel 2. Midi from 'Paul Keyboard' : Channel 2 input : Monitor 'IN' : Midi to 4 -Hammond B_3 : Track in 2- Hammond B-3.

Channel 3. Midi from 'John Keyboard' : Channel 3 Input : Monitor 'IN' : Midi to 4 - Hammond B-3
: Track in 3- Hammond B-3.

Channel 4. Loaded with Hammond B-3x Programme. Midi from - NO INPUT : Audio to Master.

Hammond programme left in default set-up.

It will record midi into each 1,2 and 3 channels all individually and at the same time. Records midi notation in each enabling quantifying, amending etc.

Not tried using cc's or using it with other tracks. But so good so far. Progress.

Now i know it works I can consider how best to use existing hardware and what I want to purchase to best use with all my set-up.
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Re: Hammond B-3X- What hardware to use all 3 manuals?

Postby DarkStar » Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:56 pm

Good oh :)

Believe it or not, your set up in the equivalent of the one I posted. When I said ""Record all the MIDI on track D (from the other 3 tracks)" the "input" to track D is the MIDI output from tracks A, B and C. So, track D does not have any inputs directly from any hardware,"No INPUT".

The advantage is that I have all the MIDI in one clip, using different colours for notes on the different channels and can align / quantise / shift any of the notes as needed.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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