edomello wrote:Hello,
I'm considering to buy this product, but I'd like to ask some questions to be sure it fits my needs:
- Is it ASIO/MME multiclient? In other words, would I be able to play inside my DAW while playing a non-asio source (e.g. YouTube) in the background? I own a well-known usb audio card which doesn't allow this, and it's quite frustrating.
- Is it ASIO/ASIO multiclient? In other words, would I be able to use two DAWs concurrently, or perhaps Amplitube and another similar ASIO software at the same time? [This is not crucial for me as much as the first]
- I know you won't give support about it, but does it support audio playback in Linux? I don't care about using a DAW or recording guitar in linux, I just need to use the AXE I/O as a standard usb audio card to drive my monitors on Linux as I plan to use this card to fully replace my motherboard audio card, and I use both linux and windows for work.
I'm sorry for asking so many questions, but I struggle finding other places with so many AXE I/O owners
Thanks in advance.
As this is primarily a user to user forum, someone-else may chime in.
But for definitive answers, the best thing to do is raise a Support Ticket, here (US (East Coast) Business hours, generally). Response time is usually within 2 working days, but in the current circumstances please allow some more time.