Hi, hoping everyone is well in these crazy times.
I have filed a support ticket, but I'm hoping a user can help me out as I know how busy support is these days.
As the subject suggests, I'm trying to record SampleTank 4 in Logic Pro X. I've searched the internet and YouTube videos, IK and user tutorials, but I haven't found anything helpful for this particular piece of the puzzle. I'm new to SampleTank, so please forgive my ignorance.
I can load SampleTank on a virtual instrument track; I can load, play, and hear the instruments, load grooves/loops and hear those as well. I've tried creating midi and pattern regions, hitting record. I'm stumped. Ideally, I'd like to record the audio, but I'd also like to know how to record the midi as well, if possible.
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to record any of them on a track in Logic. How do I do it?