Irig 2 + Macbook Pro, no sound only feedback

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Irig 2 + Macbook Pro, no sound only feedback

Postby Petepat » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:32 pm

Irig 2 macbook pro w/ garageband or AmpliTube.

I just purchased it, and everytime I plug it in I get only feedback. It seems to be using the on-board mic and not the Irig 2. I've looked all over for a way to turn the mic off but cannot seem to do so. Any tips? I'd hate to unistall then reinstall and really want to start using this thing!
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Re: Irig 2 + Macbook Pro, no sound only feedback

Postby rsuazon » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:25 am

I had a similar problem with Amplitube and my AXE I/O but I was able to fix it by going into the "Audio Midi Setup" in Amplitube and set the input device to my AXE I/O. In your case it will probably need to be set to the iRig 2.
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Re: Irig 2 + Macbook Pro, no sound only feedback

Postby Petepat » Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:26 am

Thank you, but it seems like my Mac doesn't recognize the irig2 as an input.

Just the on board/inline mic.
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Re: Irig 2 + Macbook Pro, no sound only feedback

Postby » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:38 pm

I'm having the same issue, my MacBook pro 2019 is not seeing the irig hd 2.....ughhhh
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Re: Irig 2 + Macbook Pro, no sound only feedback

Postby clator » Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:50 pm

Bumping this old thread. Having the same problem. iRig 2 as interface between guitar to MacBook Air using the laptop's TRRS headphone port. Sound is fine when input is through the iRig 2 and Output is through the USB port to a set of speakers or headphones. Sound is also OK if that is reversed, with the input coming through USB via a TRRS-to-USB-C dongle and output to the headphones, but when the input is set to "External Microphone" and output is set to "External Headphones" meaning the iRig for both, there is a massive, high pitched feedback. Using the onboard headphone jack for monitoring gets all that feedback too. Gain pot on the iRig 2 is down all the way, input and output in Amplitube are 0.0 db. Feedback occurs when MacBook volume is set as low as 2.
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Re: Irig 2 + Macbook Pro, no sound only feedback

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:09 pm

Sorry to hear you are having issues, it would be best to report your issue to IK Support so they can assist you officially and directly via if you have not already done so. Thank you.
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