Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

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Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

Postby markwaldron7string » Sun May 24, 2020 4:00 am

Sorry if this was ever posted before, but I'm beyond frustrated. I bought a brand new MacBook Pro 2020 version and bought the Axe IO because of the features and software it comes with. I am new to using a MacBook and not that advanced with music software, but I cannot for the life of me get Amplitube to work. The interface works and I can hear the guitar directly through it but Amplitube just gives an annoying feedback sound and isn't communicating with the interface. I have made sure that all firmware is up to date, all programs have microphone permission in the settings, and I made sure the midi settings were all set to Axe IO in Amplitube. Anyone else have this issue?
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Re: Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

Postby dlgebert » Sun May 24, 2020 4:39 am

markwaldron7string wrote:I can hear the guitar directly through it but Amplitube just gives an annoying feedback sound and isn't communicating with the interface.

When you say you can hear your guitar directly, is it just a clean guitar no matter what amp you pick, or does the sound change when you change Amplitube? Are you using an actual DAW, or the standalone Amplitube 4 application? Are you listening thru headphones? Check out the previous posts linked down below. I have an iMac and my AXE I/O has worked flawlessly since I got it. Check out these links for AXE I/O.

This one is Mac focused:


Last edited by dlgebert on Wed May 27, 2020 6:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

Postby markwaldron7string » Sun May 24, 2020 5:14 am

Amplitube is giving me 0 sound when I pull it up other than some awful feedback. I installed Ableton to see if that might work but I still can't get any sound other than the clean that is coming directly through the interface. Do I need to have a DAW open for Amplitube to work? I was expecting it to work directly through the computer where I could just mess around with different amps and settings.
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Re: Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

Postby dlgebert » Sun May 24, 2020 6:52 pm

markwaldron7string wrote:Amplitube is giving me 0 sound when I pull it up other than some awful feedback. I installed Ableton to see if that might work but I still can't get any sound other than the clean that is coming directly through the interface. Do I need to have a DAW open for Amplitube to work? I was expecting it to work directly through the computer where I could just mess around with different amps and settings.

I'm sure Ableton was just an example DAW, you can use the Amplitube 4 standalone program and use that exclusively. You've glossed over a couple of questions I asked.

Are you using headphones connected directly to the AXE I/O? This will help isolate the problem. If not, do you have a pair of headphones you can use?

Did you update to the latest AXE I/O control panel? There is no driver update since AXE I/O is class compliant and does not require an external driver on MacOS. Don't use "asio4all" or any other external driver. Can you open the AXE I/O Control Panel and see the meters moving when you play your guitar?

The next thing to check is how the physical [ MONITOR] knob is set. The knob is on the right side the AXE I/O next to the [HEADPHONE] knob. Make sure it is turned all the way to the right, pointing to [DAW]. It needs to be turned all the way to the right to hear just the signal processed thru the Amplitube standalone application.

The last thing, in the Amplitube standalone application, make sure BOTH your [Input Device] and your [Output Device] are set to [AXE IO]. You can't mix devices, like the AXE I/O is input and your Mac built-in speakers are ouput because it causes hardware timing issues and latency. Also, do NOT, and I repeat, do NOT have the Mac built-in microphone selected for your input device. I believe that is the source of your feedback sound. AXE I/O absolutely has to be selected as your input and output device.

They mention having security rights in the MacOS to the internal built-in microphone because it causes problems in the Amplitube standalone application as it tries to read all of your devices, but it shouldn't be something you would use or have selected as an input device.

Please try out my suggestions above and reply back.

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Re: Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

Postby DarkStar » Sun May 24, 2020 6:56 pm

Hello markwaldron7string and welcome to the forum.

I am sorry to hear about the problems you are running into.

To answer your question: no you do not need a DAW open to use AmpliTube ("AT4"). You can run the AT4 standalone program, configure its audio and MIDI and off you go. Or you can load AT4 as a plug-in onto a track in your DAW and use it there.

Is the feedback noise continuous or periodic bursts? If the latter, then you need to Authorise AT4 using the Authorization Manager program and the AT4 Serial number.

Can you load another effect in Ableton and hear its effect on your guitar audio?

As this is primarily a user to user forum, someone-else may chime in [#]. Meanwhile, the best thing to do is raise a Support Ticket, here for some one to one investigation and help (US (East Coast) Business hours, generally). Response time is usually within 2 working days, but in the current circumstances please allow some more time.

[#] But please remember that the same symptoms do not necessarily mean the same problem.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

Postby dlgebert » Sun May 24, 2020 7:02 pm

DarkStar wrote:Is the feedback noise continuous or periodic bursts?

DarkStar, it looks like we both posted at the same time... :)

Can you check out my comments regarding the Mac built-in microphone and Ableton and does that sound reasonable?

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Re: Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

Postby DarkStar » Sun May 24, 2020 7:07 pm

Yep, cross-posted.

No idea - I do not know Macs at all ;)
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Amplitube 4 not working w/ brand new Macbook

Postby garfy » Sun May 24, 2020 8:39 pm

dlgebert wrote:Can you check out my comments regarding the Mac built-in microphone and Ableton and does that sound reasonable?

Yes Dave, your assumption is correct. If the I/O of AT4 isn't set as the AXE I/O he would hear the direct sound of the guitar and the feedback loop of built-in mic to output of the Mac.

markwaldron7string wrote:and I made sure the midi settings were all set to Axe IO in Amplitube

Can you post a picture of your Audio MIDI set up in AmpliTube please? Details of how to do that can be found in this thread viewtopic.php?f=19&t=432" onclick=";return false;"

and answer this please. It will be helpful to us.

DarkStar wrote:Is the feedback noise continuous or periodic bursts? If the latter, then you need to Authorise AT4 using the Authorization Manager program and the AT4 Serial number.
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