Hello guys,
I have this problem, in the pedal I changed the operation to interface.
As soon ToneX software comes up I play the guitar I hear the Tone/preset from Bank1 A, which is normal, and sounds good in the computer speaker.
The problem is ... If I select a tone from ToneNet or I hear both tones the one on the pedal and the one from ToneX. why?
For example
1)I have a clean tone in the pedal and I selected a clean tone from Tonenet and sounds weird but okay, there are two clean tones, Sound totally different from the sample in ToneNet
2) I selected a clean tone on the pedal and a HIGain tone on ToneNet sounds okay but weird, Sound totally different from the sample in ToneNet
3) If I select a Higain tone on the pedal and a hi-gain tone in ToneNet sounds terrible pitchy loud noisy and this is obviously because there are two HiGain tones at the same time.
Otherwise, if I select a Tone from Tone Net, and move to my pedal, I turn off the pedal and on and I go and I select manually in my pedal the tone I saved previously sounds exactly as the sample sound in ToneNet. the same if I connect the pedal to my amp and I switch operation to live.
Also, sometimes I can hear and distinguish each tone.
Why is mixing both tones? how to solve this? is it a pedal setup or a Windows setup?
I want to hear what I select with the mouse, if I select a tone in the pedal, that tone only, and if I select a tone from ToneNet or collection, etc. hear only that tone.
Please help