Hello everyone!
Firstly I absolutely love T-Racks and have also bought the Tape machine collection which is amazing, great job Ik!
However I am sooooo frustrated because suddenly T-Tacks 5 standalone has been behaving crazy.
Whenever I try and export audio it just vanishes from my screen and leaves behind a corrupt file that is unplayable. I don't even see the export bar or anything it simply disappears and I have to restart the standalone again.
Strangely sometimes it works but most of the times I have to cross my fingers.
It also seems to happen when I choose presets within a module or if I change position of the modules within the chain.
Another issue that has started is it does not save my presets
Everything worked fine up until now.
It works fine within my DAW but the standalone has gone crazy
I spent hours last night trying to figure it out.
I have opened up a support ticket as well but figured maybe I'll post here also just in case someone has had this issue before.
Thanks everyone