Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

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Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby » Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:55 am

Does anyone know a workaround or a timeline for an update to this error message?

Error: ModoDrum needs CPU with AVX
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby DarkStar » Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:10 pm

That means that your computer CPU does not support AVX instructions (which are used by MODO Drum).

But AVX instructions are specified for Intel and AMD processors, so I am confused.

I see that Apple Developer says:
Update Processor-Specific Vector Instructions
If your code includes instructions for the SSE, AVX, AVX2, or AVX512 units of Intel processors, update that code to support Apple silicon. The best alternative to processor-specific vector code is to use the Accelerate framework, which provides a vast library of vector operations optimized for all Mac computers. Accelerate leverages all available hardware of the current system to perform:

So, for a definitive answer, the best thing to do is check with Technical Support.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby garfy » Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:23 pm

That's a surprise to me as well :shock:

After a quick search (but not reading too deeply) it could be that the Rosetta 2 'layer' that is doing the translation doesn't support AVX, or it could be the chip itself because Apple have moved away from Intel onto their own chips and haven't got the patent for AVX.

I presume that this is something that IKM (and other manufacturers) are having to find a workaround/recode and why IK haven't confirmed support for M1 chips.

Watch this space I guess.

Edit: @DarkStar has added the official line. It pretty much looks like, until IK recode to Apple Silicon standards in an update, anything which requires AVX won't play nicely.
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby garfy » Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:33 pm

And to be fair to IKM and all developers, Apple only released an M1 DTK in November 2020.
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby JONASIERZUBELZU » Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:18 pm

I can confirm that this is still an issue. I cannot use the demo which is a shame because I am seriously considering buying it. Any idea on when this will work?
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:18 pm

This is not a simple fix. M1 nor Rosetta 2 support AVX instructions which are required for MODO DRUM. It will not work at this time and the developers are looking into it but it is far from a simple fix.
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:56 pm

MODO DRUM is M1 compatible. You should receive an email too if you are a registered MODO DRUM user, and there is a news item on our front page.
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby BDCustom » Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:54 pm

Great news, just installed the latest version and it's working (at least standalone, I did not test the plugin version).
Good job IK! 8-)
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby Starplayer » Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:27 pm

Just installed Modo Drums on my MacBook Air M1 (Logic Pro X). Unfortunately Modo Drums don't react to velocity changes. all sounds seem to play with constant dynamics. Anyone experienced the same?
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby jockelundberg » Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:09 pm

Peter_IK wrote:This is not a simple fix. M1 nor Rosetta 2 support AVX instructions which are required for MODO DRUM. It will not work at this time and the developers are looking into it but it is far from a simple fix.

What about the new intel 12th gen cpu:s that doesn’t support AVX-512?
I just ordered one so I guess this means I can’t use Modo drums anymore.
Does IK have plans to support the 12th gen CPU:s going forward?
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:32 pm

jockelundberg wrote:
Peter_IK wrote:This is not a simple fix. M1 nor Rosetta 2 support AVX instructions which are required for MODO DRUM. It will not work at this time and the developers are looking into it but it is far from a simple fix.

What about the new intel 12th gen cpu:s that doesn’t support AVX-512?
I just ordered one so I guess this means I can’t use Modo drums anymore.
Does IK have plans to support the 12th gen CPU:s going forward?

You shouldn't have issues with modern CPUs from what I've seen but I don't have a 12th gen Intel CPU to check. I would recommend you confirm any of what you are asking about here with IK Support who can communicate with the testing team specifically about what you are asking. They would have much more information.
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby jockelundberg » Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:11 pm

Peter_IK wrote:
jockelundberg wrote:
Peter_IK wrote:This is not a simple fix. M1 nor Rosetta 2 support AVX instructions which are required for MODO DRUM. It will not work at this time and the developers are looking into it but it is far from a simple fix.

What about the new intel 12th gen cpu:s that doesn’t support AVX-512?
I just ordered one so I guess this means I can’t use Modo drums anymore.
Does IK have plans to support the 12th gen CPU:s going forward?

You shouldn't have issues with modern CPUs from what I've seen but I don't have a 12th gen Intel CPU to check. I would recommend you confirm any of what you are asking about here with IK Support who can communicate with the testing team specifically about what you are asking. They would have much more information.

I can confirm that the 12th gen doesnt supprt AVX-512 so that's a no go.
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Re: Modo Drum and Apple M1 chip

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:51 pm

jockelundberg wrote:
I can confirm that the 12th gen doesnt supprt AVX-512 so that's a no go.

Have you tried MODO DRUM, though? If you have and have trouble (or if you want to verify 100% that there won't be any trouble) please consult IK Support for official help and information.
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