I'm from Argentina, and bought a second-hand iRig pro I/O with the intention to use it exclusively with Android mobiles.
I have A Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime (8.0.1), and a LG Q6 (7.1.1).
Also I have Windows 10, and AFAIK, IK developed Windows drivers, but my intention of use is only with mobiles.
I didn't found any ''IK'' app in the Google Play Store, nor the Samsung Galaxy Store.
In all instances, to download the Windows drivers, both the IK website and the IK Product Manager asks me for a ''serial number'', which I fairly undertand it ''should'' be in the packaging, a card or a label sticked to the bag with the SN printed.
I'm telling the guy who sold it to me that:
• plugging the iRig to the phone via the lightning/usb cable doesn't turns on the device.
• the device doesn't turns on with batteries (new ones of course).
• it only turns on when plugging it to Windows (blue light), but with not the proper drivers (as stated before, serial number required). I can't use it this way.
He replied telling that he never registered it, and never used an app, and never received an email with serial numbers or anything. In the packaging he sent to me, there is not the white, full of color imagery that you see online, only the black one, with the mini-book attached to the frontal side describing all the IK hardware/apps, etc.
In any case, he didn't delivered something like this:

I'm not an iOS user, never had one iOS device, I can't tell how it is to use any iRig or similar device with an Apple device. Only used Windows, Android, and non-IK devices like Line 6, Presonus, Focusrite, etc.
Anyone can tell me what the real situation is?