wrote:Since I purchased MixBox mainly to get the ROTARY FX, I have not found a way to Automate the FAST/BRAKE/FAST switch (or operate it from an external controller).
Thank you!
EDIT (11/26/21)
I found the MIDI Settings by using AUM (Camelot & KeyStage don't show the access icon for MIDI Settings on the ROTARY GUI). On the "ROTARY" module, the control for the SLOW/BRAKE/FAST switch is Parameter 4. The only reaction I get (using CC1 or CC64) is SLOW & BRAKE. In AmpliTube Leslie (for Windows), I get SLOW with CC64 (0) and FAST with CC64 (127). The BRAKE is assigned to a different CC#. In the iOS app, a TAP (or MOUSE CLICK) will cycle through the SLOW/BRAKE/FAST settings. This seems, to me, like a BUG in the app. Possible?
Thank you!