AXE I/O and expression pedals?

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AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby carlaz » Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:07 pm

I am seriously thinking about finally pulling the trigger on an AXE I/O for use with AT5 in conjunction with my DAW (Logic Pro X) -- not because my current audio interface is ailing (it's fine, really) but because it would be really nice to plug an expression pedal (or two) into the AXE I/O and finally be able to control the wah-pedal models and other such things properly.

My question, thus is: what are some good expression pedals that work well for such purposes? I'm wholly a noob on this.

I can read the AXE I/O manual and see that: "You can use any available 'momentary' or 'sustain pedal' type foot switch that includes a 1/4 inch connector. Both normally open and normally closed switches are supported. AXE IO also support continuous expression pedals for controlling realtime parameters like Wah, Volume, FX depth etc. Any 1/4” TRS connector expression pedal will work with AXE IO. MIDI messages associated with these controllers are freely assignable from the 'Control app'".

I'm kind of getting the sense that there are pedals that basically "on/off" (momentary?) and pedals that sweep across some range of values (continuous?). Obviously, a continuous pedal is needed for wah. But I see some pedals on the market that seem to be continuous but with some sort of added switching feature -- perhaps allowing them to turn on (momentary?) when you touch them and then, once on, control a sweep (continuous?). I guess these use one cable for the momentary switch and another for the continuous switch (similar question), or whether different pedals might take one or the other of these approaches. (Marketing literature for expression pedals seems to assume one knows how they work, which is really not the case for me! :? )

I am guessing virtually any continuous expression pedal would work well enough for controlling wah-type stomps in AmpliTube via the AXE I/O: e.g., the Roland/Boss EV-5, the M-Audio EXP, the Moog EP-3, or the Nektar NX-P. I notice some makers have both single- and dual-channel pedals: like Mission Engineering has the EP-1, which is just a single channel expression pedal (like, I guess, the Roland/Boss EV-5, etc.) but also the SP-1 which is dual channel, with two outputs, and seems to let you not only sweep something like a wah (continuous) but switch the wah on and off (momentary?). In contrast (maybe?), the Electro-Harmonix seems to claim that it controls two features from the same pedal; I'm not quite sure what this means ... but maybe (?) that you are (for example) sweeping the wah and simultaneously changing the tremolo speed with the same foot movement? I am not sure whether it is intended to let you use one channel to switch the effect controlled with the other channel on and off. (There's also an EH single-channel expression pedal that I assume is, again, like the Roland/Boss EV-5, the M-Audio EXP, or the Mission EP-1. There's also the somewhat curious EH Next Step expression pedal with no moving parts which seems interesting, though I am not sure it is still being manufactured, so maybe it didn't turn out as well as hoped?)

Anyway ... being able to control/sweep -- and, ideally, turn on/off -- a wah-type stomp model (etc.) within my DAW would be super cool, and the AXE I/O otherwise seems a very nice interface for guitarists anyway.

I am wondering what other people's experiences with attaching expression pedals to the AXE I/O has been, and whether they recommend any particular one over others. I guess most of them are pretty similar in their control functions, but the prices of individual pedals can vary widely, so I am guessing the major distinctions are perhaps in build-quality, smoothness and control of sweep action, etc.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby carlaz » Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:08 pm

OK ... is it just that nobody on the forum has any experience with AXE I/O and expression pedals? :?
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby CreepyMo » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:14 am

I'm actually curious about this myself because I do have an exression pedal (Valeton EP-2) but it doesn't seem to work. None of the Axe I/O software seems to recognize it even though it recognizes a Line 6 USB controller just fine.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby carlaz » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:59 pm

Huh! Is there an error message or something with the EP-2 or just ... nothing? Have you bothered IKM Support about this?

How are you connecting a Line 6 USB controller to the AXE/IO?
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby CreepyMo » Fri Apr 09, 2021 9:20 pm

Nah no error messages or anything but it's just plugging a cable from the pedal into the interface. I have a post about it here but so far no luck.

And the Line 6 I just plug into my computer separately via USB and Amplitube recognizes it fine.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby carlaz » Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:17 pm

Oh, OK, so the Line 6 is a completely independent USB device, but talks to AmpliTube on your computer OK. But although the EP-2 should be expected to be recognized when plugged into the AXE I/O's expression pedal port(s), in this case it is not. Got it!

Seems worth bothering Support, though.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby km4qs58S » Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:09 pm

I can't comment on which expression pedals work with the AXE I/O (Solo in my case); but I can definitely confirm that the Yamaha FC7 doesn't work properly. The Yamaha has a logarithmic pot which results in the AXE I/O not giving the full range of MIDI values. It's bad enough with controlling a wah pedal but totally useless when using a Whammy type pedal!
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby carlaz » Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:28 pm

Ah, that's interesting. I have heard that logarithmic pots, commonly used in volume pedals, don't always work well when one tries to use them in expression pedals. I gather the Valeton EP-2 includes a volume pedal function, so perhaps it uses log pots -- and, thus, doesn't play nicely with the AXE I/O?
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby CreepyMo » Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:16 pm

The Valetron Ep-2 does indeed have the dual functionality. I used it as a volume pedal as a test but oh boy is the range bad. The entire 0-100 is within the first 5% of the pedal press it seems but it DOES function. So at the very least the Axe I/O should be able to recognize it when plugged in. I even tried a regular stereo 1/4" cable but it didn't work. This is also my first attempt at using this feature so I'm not exactly sure where the bottleneck could be. I think I saw someone demo this feature with an Ernie Ball but I'm not ready to pull the trigger on a replacement until I can figure out what's going on.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby carlaz » Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:01 am

Well, there may be various things that could prevent the EP-2 from playing nicely with the AXE I/O, but for the moment I am wondering if it is something to do with the dual volume/expression functionality and perhaps a logarithmic pot? Possibly worth checking with IKM Support to see what they think.

The AXE I/O manual suggests that the unit should work with "external controller pedals (single or dual switches, continuous expression pedals)" and that the "AXE I/O also support[s] continuous expression pedals for controlling realtime parameters like Wah, Volume, FX depth etc. Any 1/4” TRS connector expression pedal will work with AXE IO."

However, as km4qs58S said, "a[n expression pedal with a] logarithmic pot ... results in the AXE I/O not giving the full range of MIDI values", meaning that their "Yamaha FC7 [which has a logarithmic pot] doesn't work properly".

So it seems like the AXE I/O manual may not be entirely accurate? :?

Still, this YouTube video shows a guy using a Nektar NX-P expression pedal with an AXE I/O, so clearly that pedal at least is OK. Maybe I should just buy one of those, since I've seen it working? :lol: Though I kind of feel like there should be more surety than that ....

Maybe IKM could produce a list of expression pedals that have been validated as workable with the AXE I/O? Maybe I should contact Support about that ...?
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby CreepyMo » Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:11 am

Yeah, according to the manual it SHOULD work, and it does function re: volume test, but it's just not getting any response via Axe I/O once I plug it into the interface to use as a controller. I need to borrow one we know works so I can test it heh.
But yeah compiling a list would be great. Fortunately the EP-2 was pretty cheap so if I need to get a new one I'm sure I can find a use for the EP-2 somewhere. Of course I'd much rather just use the EP-2 but so far I haven't heard back from my support post.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby km4qs58S » Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:20 pm

I think it would be very useful for IK to post a list of expression pedals that actually work. I downloaded the manual before I bought the interface, but they only show a picture of pedal 1 with a dropdown menu showing LINEAR; but not the other selections. I assumed (wrongly it turns out) that you could select LOGARITHMIC as a setting.

The only way for me to use the Yamaha FC7 (with full range) is to plug it into my Yamaha synth and connect the MIDI Out from the synth to the MIDI In of the AXE I/O Solo. If I had known this from the start I probably would have bought a different interface; the big selling feature, to me at least, was the controller inputs. Having to go through the synth and MIDI can be accomplished with a wide range of audio interfaces.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby CreepyMo » Sun Apr 11, 2021 9:33 pm

Are there any user cases with the Ernie Ball Jr pedal? I know it's a volume pedal but I found this article which makes me wonder if it's worth a shot: ... ion-pedal/

But I might also look into seeing if I have those cables to try out out my EP-2. I'll keep you informed.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby CreepyMo » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:50 am

Well I gave it a shot and it doesn't appear to work. Can't guarantee I have the exact cable but at this point I'm giving up on anything that isn't a simple plug-n-play so that list of good expression pedals would be very handy indeed. Esp if you can convert volume pedals to expression.
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Re: AXE I/O and expression pedals?

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:38 pm

Since volume pedals aren't expression pedals I'd rule out those being plug and play as you require. Beyond that any standard expression pedal (search any retail for a long list of them) should work fine with AXE I/O and if you have trouble with an expression pedal the IK Support team can happily assist you. To list every standard expression pedal that works should not be necessary as a standard expression (not volume) pedal with the proper connectivity should work.
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