Peter_IK wrote:tuttorouge wrote:Hello,
are you planning to use this nice product manager as tool for cross-platform purchases and cloud share of presets?
Two big functionalities that (in my opinion) are necessary and mandatory for studio and live performances using your great tools:
- being able to have the same purchased modules for amplitube on PC/mac and amplitube ipad/andoid
- being able share the presets done in studio (amplitube PC/Mac) to live (i.e. Irig stomp + amplitube ipad)...
this Prduct manager could be used in future for this? I think it's a very nice platform!
thanks in advance for your answer!
I do not have any news on those particular features. Note that that is more a feature request for AmpliTube itself but also note that the Mac/PC and iOS versions are different products on different platforms sold by different stores so the sharing of the gear purchases between those isn't available at this time and I'm not sure it would be implemented due to that reason.
Thanks for your answer!
I agree with you. This could be a feature request, I do not know where to promote it.
After months of emails sent to IK multimedia requesting this, I finally saw light with this nice solution/software.
This does not apply only to amplitube, but as well with iKey and it's software (I bought this as well. btw, I'm very happy with it!)
"different stores" = "different product", yes I understand.
But I can bet that any musician would like to have the same setup on stage and on studio and not 2 setup with different setup and paying the double.
If all my IK multimedia live solutions that are promoted and sold are not consistent with the studio solution how can I have perform on stage the same record that I did on studio?
Thanks again for your support and your answer!
I really appreciated your feedback!